OUTBoard Minutes 101619
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Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard Minutes 101619
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Last modified
2/4/2020 10:17:44 AM
Creation date
2/4/2020 10:17:41 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 11/20/19 <br />4 <br /> <br />and gutter, and we would have to stay within the existing right-of-way and topography. We have most recently added 160 <br />comments and provided those to DOT with regard to the I-40 widening project so we know they’re going to be widening 161 <br />I-40 through this area under the bridge all the way to where 40 and I-85 come together, and it’s possible that they are 162 <br />going to have to do some work to the piers underneath that bridge in order to accommodate the additional lane. The 163 <br />topic did come up at last night’s commissioners meeting during comments. It was mentioned that there were monies for 164 <br />this consultant study, and it was considered to be at the forefront with a request that there be coordination with Orange 165 <br />County Schools. Now, on the other side of the bridge, there is a need for some walkability in between the schools. You 166 <br />are aware that we have submitted projects previously for SPOT scoring through the STIP, as recommended by DOT 167 <br />staff. As we have done before when we are pretty confident that we would not have a fundable project and it would not 168 <br />score well and certainly didn’t in SPOT 3.0. We took sort of a gap year there and did not submit that project in SPOT 169 <br />4.0, but it certainly does remain on the County’s priority list. 170 <br /> 171 <br />Nish Trivedi: Just to give you an update on that, it is one of six projects that is submitted in TARPO for modernizing. 172 <br />Not just modernizing, bringing it up to current standards and adding more paved shoulder and providing a safe benefit 173 <br />for the shoulder. I’ll give more detail of their preliminary scores next year. That is on Orange Grove Road from 85 to 174 <br />Dodsons Crossroads. 175 <br /> 176 <br />Amy Cole: I have some short-term solutions until potentially a new bridge can be built. I would really like to see at least 177 <br />a temporary light to see whether or not this would actually slow down traffic and reduce the potentials for accidents. So, 178 <br />at Oakdale and Orange Grove Road a temporary traffic light to see how this would slow down traffic and also reducing 179 <br />the speed limit to 25 miles per hour during school time hours. There’s only one lane of traffic that’s able to actually 180 <br />crossover the bridge at a time so it kind of cuts it back-and-forth. I would like to see some type of traffic calming 181 <br />measures that occur there, and I think these are realistic temporary solutions that we can actually test out. I think this 182 <br />is something that could potentially be a solution. 183 <br /> 184 <br />Tom Altieri: Particularly, if they could be time-limited so it coincides with the beginning and end of school. 185 <br /> 186 <br />Amy Cole: I’d rather see a Greenway down Old NC 86 than a sidewalk that takes a lot more maintenance to maintain. 187 <br />The greenways are more attractive and there’s more flexibility on where they can go. 188 <br /> 189 <br />Tom Altieri: Greenways would go on currently private property, so you would have to obtain easements. 190 <br /> 191 <br />Amy Cole: Two years ago, when I went through and knocked on all people stores on Orange Grove Road and said how 192 <br />do you feel about a sidewalk being built they were all supportive of it. I don’t think that it should be nixed, I think it 193 <br />should be pursued. 194 <br /> 195 <br />Randy Marshall: Can we get a comment from the Sheriff about his reading on that intersection, and why he doesn’t 196 <br />have officers servicing that intersection when there are other officers at other schools? 197 <br /> 198 <br />Tom Altieri: There are officers that are on do Grady Brown School Road between those two schools, but I have not 199 <br />seen them on Orange Grove Road. 200 <br /> 201 <br />Tom Altieri: It’s to get the cars in and out of the schools and for pedestrians and crossing guards. I’ll bring that up. 202 <br /> 203 <br />Todd Jones: I think DOT needs to start taking pedestrians as seriously as automobiles. 204 <br /> 205 <br />Heidi Perry: They need to start walking with kids. 206 <br /> 207 <br />Amy Cole: Abigail had mentioned many times that the DOT was doing a safety check on that area, we have not 208 <br />received that report. 209 <br /> 210 <br />Tom Altieri: We are hoping to get that information soon. 211 <br /> 212
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