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Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.20: Stream Buffers –Use Authorization Certificate <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-70 <br /> <br />(B) For purposes of this subsection (2.19.112)18 an applicant's record may be considered for <br />only the two five 19years prior to the application date. <br />(C) The Erosion Control Officer shall notify the applicant and the State’s Director of the <br />Division of Land Resources of a disapproval issued under the provisions of this <br />subsection within 10 days. The notification shall be in writing and shall include the <br />specific reasons the Erosion Control Plan was disapproved. <br /> Erosion Control Plan Available of Site <br />A copy of the approved Erosion Control Plan and any amendments and required revisions shall <br />be kept on the job site at all times. <br /> Notice of Activity Initiation <br />No person may initiate a land-disturbing activity before notifying the Erosion Control Officer of the <br />date that land-disturbing activity will begin. <br /> Preconstruction Conference <br />When deemed necessary by the Erosion Control Officer a preconstruction conference may be <br />required. <br />SECTION 2.20: STREAM BUFFERS –USE AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE <br />2.20.1 Use Authorization Certificate <br />(A) Application Requirements <br />(1) An application for a Use Authorization Certificate shall be filed with the Erosion <br />Control Officer on forms provided by the Planning Department. <br />(2) Complete applications shall include the following: <br />(a) The name, address and phone number of the applicant; <br />(b) The nature of the activity to be conducted by the applicant; <br />(c) The location of the activity, including the jurisdiction; <br />(d) A map of sufficient detail to accurately delineate the boundaries of the <br />land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimensions <br />of any disturbance in riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the <br />extent of riparian buffers on the land; <br />(e) An explanation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically <br />accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to <br />the riparian buffer, preserve aquatic life and habitat and protect water <br />quality; and <br />(f) Plans for any best management practices proposed to be used to control <br />the impacts associated with the activity. <br />(B) Timeframe for Review <br />(1) All requests shall be reviewed by the Erosion Control Officer and either approved <br />or denied within 60 days of receipt of a complete application. <br />(2) Failure to issue an approval or denial within 60 days shall constitute that the <br />applicant has demonstrated “no practical alternatives.” <br />18UpdatingSectionreferencenumber. <br />19StaffisincorporatingasuggestionmadebythePlanningBoard.Aswearemodifyingthe‘expirationdate’foran <br />approvedplanitmakessensetomodifythetimeframebywhichtheCountyisconsideringacontractor’spast <br />performancewithrespecttonewsubmittals.ThismodificationwillneedtobeapprovedbytheState. <br /> 28