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Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.19: Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-66 <br /> <br />(2) Land Disturbing Permits expire with consistent with the expiration of the <br />previously approved Erosion Control Plan Approval unless the disturbance has <br />begun. Once the disturbance begins, a Land Disturbing Permit is valid for a <br />period of two years starting with the commencement of the disturbance, as <br />defined in (C) below.10 <br />(3) The Land Disturbing Permit must be renewed if the disturbance continues more <br />than two years. The renewal fee is one half the original fee and the permit is valid <br />for one year. <br />(C) Start of Activity <br />For the purpose of determining the expiration date of the Erosion Control Plan Approval <br />and Land Disturbing Permit, the land-disturbing activity is considered to have started <br />when the pre-construction conference has been held, the necessary erosion control <br />practices have been properly installed, and the site clearing or grading has begun. 11 <br />SECTION 2.19: SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLANS <br />2.19.1 Generally <br />An Erosion Control Plan shall be prepared required for all land-disturbing activities subject to the <br />provisions of this Ordinance in accordance wirth Section 6.15.2. whenever the proposed activity <br />is to be undertaken on a tract comprising more than 20,000 square feet, if more than 20,000 <br />square feet are to be uncovered. <br />2.19.2 Application Requirements <br />(A) An application for approval of an Erosion Control Plan shall be filed with the Erosion <br />Control Officer on forms provided by the Planning Department. <br />(B) Three physical copies and one electronic copy of the Erosion Control Plan shall be filed <br />with the Erosion Control Officer. <br />(1) The Erosion Control Officer shall forward one copy of the Erosion Control Plan to <br />the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District at least 30 days prior to the <br />commencement of the proposed activity. <br />(C)(2) The Erosion Control Officer shall forward one copy of the Erosion Control Plan to <br />the Director of the NC Division of Water Quality for any land disturbing activity <br />that involves the utilization of ditches for the purpose of de-watering or lowering <br />the water table.12, 13 <br />2.19.3 Components of Complete Erosion Control Plan <br />(A) Generally <br />In order to be considered complete, a plan submitted for approval must contain the <br />proposed Erosion Control Plan, the completed application, the statement of financial <br />responsibility and ownership, and the required plan review fee. The 30-day review period <br />begins when all of the components of the complete plan are received. <br />(B) Plan Content <br />10Alanddisturbancepermitisthetoolutilizedtoimplementanapprovederosioncontrolplan.Ifweestablish <br />thattheapprovedplanhasaspecific‘shelflife’thepermitdoesnotneedaseparatetimeframewithrespectto <br />expiration. <br />11SimilarlanguagemovedtoSection2.19. <br />12Changerecommendedforformatconsistencyonly. <br />13These2sectionsarenotreallyapplicationrequirements.Staffisreviewingtheneedtomovethemtoamore <br />appropriatesection. <br /> 24