Orange County NC Website
 Lee Pickett was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to serve out <br />Susan Elmore’s term as the ASAB representative to the Orange County Board of Health <br /> However, that vacates Lee’s position on the ASAB as a community veterinarian <br /> Although the Clerk for the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) usually coordinates <br />outreach, ASAB members discussed how the Board could help in recruiting candidates <br />for the positions. <br /> Animal Services agreed to distribute the vacancy notice to ASAB members so that <br />members can reach out to veterinarians they know; pass it on to their veterinarians for <br />distribution to their practices; and so forth. <br />Succession Planning for ASAB representative to the Animal Services Hearing Panel Pool <br /> Rachel Plast will organize a meeting between the current Hearing Panel Chairs—Edmund <br />Tiryakian, Beth Grooms, and Amanda Schwoerke—and the two interested ASAB <br />members—Casey Ferrell and Diane Obeid—to discuss more about the work of the Panels <br />and the Chairs. <br />Diversity <br /> The ASAB discussed the need for increased diversity on the Board. <br /> In the next eight months, the following vacancies will exist on the Board: 2 animal <br />advocates; 1 certified animal handler/trainer; 1 veterinarian. <br /> Members proposed various means to recruit candidates from underrepresented groups, <br />such as: holding meetings at different locations, like Cedar Grove and Rogers Rd.; <br />posting flyers in underrepresented areas; going outside of members’ immediate networks <br />to identify candidates; and so forth. <br /> Bob reminded the ASAB that it can recommend candidates to the BOCC, but that the <br />BOCC is the entity that selects the candidates. <br /> <br />Old Business <br /> Pat Sanford Award <br />o The deadline for the award has passed, and there were two applications filed. <br />o The Task Force will convene shortly to discuss the applications, and recommend <br />a winner to the ASAB. <br /> Rabies & Lyme Disease in Orange County <br />o Ed Tiryakian briefly reiterated his view that public health authorities should be <br />moving their focus away from Rabies to diseases transmitted from mosquito, tick, <br />and flea bites, such as Lyme disease. <br />o Ed distributed documents to members that were absent from last month’s meeting. <br />o Ed requested that the following items be included in the agenda for next month: <br /> Discuss whether the ASAB should advocate that Orange County begin <br />reporting both positive and negative Rabies test results; <br /> Discuss whether the ASAB should seek related data from Animal Services <br />and from the NC State Laboratory with respect to Orange County. <br />o ASAB members briefly discussed Ed’s comments <br /> <br />New Business <br /> Socially-Conscious Animal Community <br />o Bob Marotto discussed this concept, and the history of the concept.