Orange County NC Website
Schedule of Positions: It of FTE—Full-Time Paid Positons: D #of FTE—U Part-Time Paid Positions: <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION <br /> *Please submit for each program if applying for funding for more than one program. <br /> 8. Program Name: The 231d Annual Mildred Council Community Dinner <br /> Program Primary Contact and Title: Nerys Levy,Chairperson and Executive Director <br /> Telephone Number: 919-932-1533 E-Mail: <br /> 2019. Please briefly describe the proposed program, including an explanation of how <br /> it aligns with the Town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Results Framework, and Orange <br /> County BOCC Goals and Priorities, and the target population to benefit from the <br /> program. (100 words or less) The Annual Community Dinner aims to provide Chapel <br /> MY Carrborol Orange County residents opportunities to network with members of <br /> their community from diverse cultures in a comfortable positive setting through eating <br /> together, viewing culturally diverse entertainers together and working together to <br /> make the event happen (the culturally diverse Committee meets every month <br /> throughout the year)-We are an inclusive zero sum profit event enhancing the social <br /> well-being and livelihood security of our community enabling if to thrive through <br /> enhanced knowledge, understanding and greater tolerance. Our showcasing of local <br /> entertainers gives them economic opportunities to be employed at a later date and in- <br /> kind local food donors are given exposure to close to 700 Dinner participants. We also <br /> increase our participant's livelihood security by exposing them to relevant information <br /> from Social Services and non-profit organizations-See Section 9 Performance <br /> Indicators for details <br /> 7.Target Population: Please complete the table below with numbers(not percentages) of individuals served <br /> and projected to be served. <br /> WE ❑O NOT HAVE THE DEMOGRAPHICS FOR EACH AN EVERY DINNER TO BE ABLE TO FILL IN THIS SECTION. 1 <br /> CAN SAY THAT EVENT IS CULTURALLY DIVERSE WINNING US A 2414 NATIONAL AWARD FROM THE NATIONAL <br /> LEAGUE OF CITIES I 2014 FOR CULTURAL DiVERSITY.WE WENT TO WAS HINGTON DC TO RECEIVE THAT <br /> AWARD AT A CONGRESS f BLACK CAUCUS LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST,ONE OF 8 AWARDED NATIONALLY <br /> Program information Page 4 of 7 <br />