Agenda - 05-15-2001-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-15-2001
Agenda - 05-15-2001-9c
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Minutes - 05-15-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
RES-2001-059 Resolution to Deny The McGowan Creek Subdivision Preliminary Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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16, <br />1 3. Ultimate right -of -way along Efland -Cedar Grove Road shall be 70 feet. Dedication along Efland -Cedar <br />2 Grove Road of five additional feet of right -of way • or 35 feet from center of existing right -of -way, <br />3 whichever is greater, will be required to be shown on preliminary plan. Property lines to stop at new right - <br />4, of -way lines. <br />5 4. Submit draft documentation for Homeowner's Association restrictive covenants or conservation easements <br />6 that contain use and maintenance provisions for the open space, and buffers. The restrictive covenants or <br />7 conservation shall designate.a back -up grantee in the event the homeowners association is eliminated. <br />8 5. No main utility lines shall be located under pavement. <br />9 6. No private utilities allowed within public right -of- way., <br />10 7. Recommended taps (water and sewer) to be installed for each lot prior to road construction completion. <br />11 Encroachment agreement for these services will be required before the State will accept maintenance of the <br />12 roadway. . <br />13 8. Provide additional 5' easements on both sides of all streets. Improved intersections to NCDOT standards <br />14 with 60 feet of right-of-way at all intersections.. - <br />15 9. No driveways shall be approved within 50 feet of an intersection. <br />16 10. Provide NCDOT encroachment agreement required for sewer lines prior to acceptance of roads for <br />17 maintenance. <br />1S 11. Drainage easements to be. identified at preliminary submittal stage. <br />19 12. Delineation of FEMA 100 -year floodplain required at preliminary stage. <br />20 13. In addition to the required 30 -50 foot connecting trail along McGowan Creek, the remaining flood plain. <br />21 areas shall be set aside to provide a linear riparian corridor which would serve as a riparian buffer, wildlife <br />22 habitat and possibly a rustic woodland trail to connect to riparian areas on adjacent properties in the future. <br />23 14. Pursuant to Section IV -B -7 -b of the Subdivision Regulations, dedicate five (5) acres at the extreme <br />24 northeast corner of site for the purpose of public recreation/open space and reserve an additional eleven -(11) <br />25 acres of surrounding property for purchase by the County. Should the County be unsuccessful in <br />26 negotiating a purchase of additional acreage to the north of the site at such time as Preliminary Plat is <br />27 submitted for review, the County shall accept payment in lieu as an alternative to dedication. <br />28 15. Required turn lane from Efland -Cedar Grove Road onto Street A (main project entrance) shall be evaluated <br />29 during Preliminary subdivision review. <br />30 16. Traffic impact at Efland -Cedar Grove and US 70 intersection to be evaluated during Preliminary subdivision <br />31 review. <br />32 • Preliminary Plan addresses all conditions of approval of the concept plan <br />33 Second Action: Planning Board to consider Preliminary Plan <br />34 Options: <br />35 1- Action within two regularly scheduled meetings, or extension thereof; <br />36 2: If the Planning Board fails to act within the specified time period, application forwarded to BOCC with <br />37 Planning Board minutes and Planning Staff recommendation and conditions. <br />38 FISCAL EWPACT: A Fiscal Impact Analysis'is. included as an attachment <br />39 <br />40 RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Denial of the Preliminary Plan pursuant to <br />41 Section III -D ,3-b and IV-B-6-b. <br />42 <br />43 Benedict said that the staff is recommending denial of this-subdivision on the basis that the applicant has <br />44 designed the project anticipating a sewer system from Orange County. In the absence of a sewer system from <br />45 Orange County, the lots would have to be a minimum of 40,000 square feet. The staff thinks that designing a <br />46 subdivision with the anticipation of water and sewer is premature for two reasons: 1) There is no water and <br />47 sewer in the area now; and 2) There is no approved and adopted master plan of Efland outside of where the <br />48 existing sewer system is now. There is a meeting on March 20`h about the Efland sewer plan. <br />49 <br />50 Allison asked about Richmond Hills in relation to McGowan Creek in terms of tapping on with the Efland sewer <br />51 system. Benedict said that the Efland system was constructed from 1985 -1988. There were no full residential <br />52 subdivisions that tied on to that system until Richmond Hills came forward last year. Only individual residential <br />53 customers have tapped on to the system. He said that Richmond Hills was in the 20 -year transition area adjacent <br />
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