Agenda - 05-15-2001-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-15-2001
Agenda - 05-15-2001-9c
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Minutes - 05-15-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
RES-2001-059 Resolution to Deny The McGowan Creek Subdivision Preliminary Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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14' <br />Force was going to recommend that 5% of every bond should be dedicated to affordable housing, and that one <br />cent on the tax rate should be dedicated to affordable housing each year. <br />4 Schofield asked if there had been any discussions about how there could be an incentive or a direct order to <br />5 provide some affordable housing component in private development plans. Woods said that the task force has <br />6 made a recommendation that 10 -15% of units in every apartment complex that is approved by any jurisdiction in <br />7 the County must be affordable for families making less than 80% of the area median. The authority to require <br />8 affordable housing in the absence of a rezoning does not exist, so the task force is asking the County <br />9 Commissioners to petition for the permission. <br />10 <br />11 Woods said that it was clear that the economic development nodes would be appropriate locations for affordable <br />12 housing units to be densely placed. He said that the ordinances in Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro <br />13 have a density bonus component to allow a greater number of units for affordable housing. These bonuses have <br />14 never been used. <br />15 <br />16 AGENDA ITEM 98: COURTESY REVIEW <br />17' <br />18 a. Public School Impact Fees <br />19 Benedict made this presentation. <br />20 <br />21 The maximum supportable fee that was discussed at the quarterly public hearing on February 2& was $5,300 <br />22 for Orange County single - family homes and $2,500 maximum for all other residential units. The fee that the <br />23 Orange County School Board has voted on is $3,000 for single - family homes and $1,400 for all other residential <br />24 units. For the Chapel Hill- Carrboro school district, the school board has not noted any fees that they are <br />25 interested in. Presently, they are at the $3,000 level for all types of housing. There is an equity issue between <br />26' the two school systems that is being worked out by the Commissioners. This will proceed within the next two <br />27 months after a recommendation comes forward from the Chapel Hill- Carrboro school district. <br />28 <br />29 b. School APFO . <br />30 -- <br />31 Benedict that this is being reviewed by all of the local jurisdictions. It will be brought back at a later time. Both <br />32 school districts have approved the ordinance. <br />33 <br />34 AGENDA ITEM #9:. SUBDIVISIONS <br />35 a. Preliminary Plans <br />36 (1) McGowan Creek <br />37. (Cheeks Township - 222 lots) <br />38 <br />39 Benedict made this presentation. He said that the primary discussion would be the 14,000 square foot lots ' <br />40 serviced by public sewer, which was insisted upon by the applicant. <br />41 <br />42 PURPOSE: Consideration of Conservation - Cluster Preliminary Plan <br />43. BACKGROUND: <br />44 Request <br />45 Applicant: Scott O. Radway, agent for Efland LLC <br />46 • 244.7 acre tract including road rights -of -way <br />47 • Proposed two hundred twenty-two (222) single- family residential lots (includes 66 lot open space density <br />48 bonus) <br />49 Location <br />50 a Cheeks Township <br />51 • Western side of Efland -Cedar Grove Road (SR 1004) approximately 1/2 mile north of US 70W <br />52 • Portion of tract in 20 -year transition area on north side of US 70 <br />
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