Orange County NC Website
10/27/1999 15:44 9193837196 M <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />XMIABOROUGH <br />NORTH C.&ROUNA <br />r , '/ <br />February 18, 1999 <br />Mr. David Morris <br />412 Constitution Drive <br />Durham, NC 27705 <br />Dear Mr. Morris: <br />As per your request, this letter is intended to serve as verification of availability of sewer <br />service to your proposed development on property parcels lying along the north and south <br />banks of McGowan Creek between Richmond and Efland -Cedar Grove Roads in Efland, <br />NC. Insofar as your development lies adjacett to the existing sewer collection system or <br />can be provided some manna of voluntary pnission (which inclu a recorded <br />permanent access/maintenance and tempo instruction easem gain the <br />necessary access ov�thropgh property _ . der your co far as your <br />property and de <br />subdivision req <br />can be made av <br />classified as' tr <br />Orange County <br />designated as tr <br />currently has th <br />question. <br />lnd <br />tem <br />rea <br />the <br />1 area <br />,in <br />You will, of course, recall that you have been advised that you will be responsible for <br />bearing all.the, costs associated with the sewer engineering, permitting, construction, full <br />time construction supervision, tap- on/availability fees, easement acquisition and <br />recording, legal fees, etc., necessary to provide sewer service to your proposed <br />development and every dwelling therein. <br />If you have any questions or I may provide additiomal information, please advise. <br />S' <br />Paul K. Thames, PE <br />County Engineer <br />