Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Carla Bateman, Planner I <br />Robert Davis, Current Planning Supervisor <br />From: Rich Shaw, ERCD Land Conservation Manager <br />Margaret Jones, Land Resource Technician <br />Date: November 30, 2000 <br />Re: Proposed McGowan Creek Subdivision <br />(TMBL 3.11.16 and TMBL 3.31.A.21E) <br />This is an addendum to our memo of August 24, 2000, updating ERCD <br />comments on the proposed McGowan Creek Subdivision. Once again, these <br />comments are intended a) to address any concerns that we might have with <br />respect to impacts on natural and cultural resources, and b) to identify any areas <br />that might be desirable for possible dedication to the County for public <br />recreation /open space pursuant to current subdivision regulations. <br />The current site plan (Page 1 of the November 8 Preliminary Plan) shows a <br />"Future Orange County Trail" along the north side of McGowan Creek, which <br />forms part of the southern boundary, of the property. While there are no formal <br />plans for a county walking trail along McGowan Creek, we concur with the <br />developer's intent to allow the possibility of such an amenity in the future. If a <br />trail were created, ERCD would suggest that it be an unpaved, natural surface <br />trail for pedestrian use only. In the meantime, this undeveloped linear corridor <br />will continue to serve as a riparian buffer and wildlife habitat. This flooded <br />segment of McGowan Creek is 20 to 40 yards wide and provides scenic views <br />across the-water to the neighboring undeveloped lands. <br />It appears that the proposed dedication of land could accommodate a potential <br />trail, which we would recommend be a minimum of 50 to 60 feet wide and be <br />aligned outside of the floodplain to the maximum extent possible. <br />The proposed site plan appears consistent with the County's desire to minimize <br />adverse environmental impacts with respect to the protection of floodplains, <br />wetlands, natural areas and wildlife habitat, historic and cultural resources and <br />prime farmland. 'See, attached map depicting County data for these resources. <br />Let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss these findings. <br />Attachment <br />