Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT' <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: ~ Tina Moon, Land Use and Preservation Planner . <br />From: :Rich Shaw, ERCD Land Conservation Manage - <br />Date: November 30, 2000 <br />Re: Ashvvick Subdivision (Cheeks Township) <br />(TMBL 3.32.A.9 and TMBL 3.31.A.23) <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review a plat the proposed Ashwick Subdivision <br />(dated October 30, 2000). The following comments are intended to address any <br />concerns with respect to impacts ~on natural and :cultural resources, and to <br />identify areas that may desirable for possible dedication to the County for public <br />recreation and open space pursuant to County subdivision regulations. <br />My comments are based on an August 2, 2000 site visit and a review of resource <br />information available for this property, including aerial photography, topographic <br />maps, FEMA floodplain maps and NWI maps. <br />The subject property is located in Efland_ on the north side of US 70 in Cheeks <br />Township. The property is zoned R1 and is within the Upper Eno Watershed. <br />McGowan Creek flows through the northern quarter the property, essentially <br />cutting off about five acres from the majority of the parcel. McGowan Creek is <br />flooded in this area due to the Efland Mill Pond dam located just downstream. <br />There is also a sizable beaver dam, which contributes to flooding of the property. <br />Aside from some periodic downed trees (likely from the May 2000 windstorm) <br />the woodlands are comprised of fairly mature mixed hardwoods, which slope <br />gentry down toward McGowan Creek. A small tributary of McGowan Creek flows <br />through the southern portion of the property in a northeasterly direction. The <br />property slopes fairly gently (2 to 6%) with a narrow band of moderately sloped <br />land (6 to 10%) draining to McGowan Creek. Away from the Creek, the soils are <br />Geo~geville silt /oam~(Ge8 and GeC) and Herndon si/t /oam (Hr8), both quite <br />suitable for residential development. It appears that the proposed lots are well <br />outside of the floodplain and avoid the small area of Lignum soils, which are <br />unsuitable for home sites. <br />The Preliminary Plan shows 4.46 acres located in the northeast corner of the <br />property proposed for dedication to Orange County for "public recreation space." <br />This area is considerably larger than the minimum required dedication of land for <br />recreation and open space. The subdivision regulations call far a minimum of <br />2.9 acres for a S~-~ snit ~~ ihrfivicinn l1 /7.0 acre for each unit). <br />