Orange County NC Website
<br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Craig Benedict, Planning Director <br />COPIES: ~ Phil Post, PE <br />FROM: Paul Thames, PE, County Engineer <br />~, <br />DATE: July 26, 2000 <br />SUBJECT: Sewer service from the Efland sewer system for the Ashwick Subdivision <br />' in Efland <br />As per the request of Phil Post, PE, president and owner of Philip Post & Associates and <br />consulting engineer for the above referenced subdivision, T am providing the following <br />information and input relative to sewer availability at~the Ashwick subdivision site. <br />The southern portion of site, as shown on the site aril utility plans date 4/4/2pOQ, is <br />crossed by two branches of the sewer interceptor/outifall lines of the Eflarid sewer system. <br />These lines may not be tapped for individual sewer services. However, new collector <br />mains may be extended from existing manholes through the parcel to provide sewer <br />service to individual lots. Furthermore, it may be possible in limited circumstances to <br />connect individual service lines to existing manholes, although I discourage this practice <br />and would allow this to occur only when other alternatives and connections are not <br />practicable. <br />The Post & Associates sewer utility site plan appears have followed the above criteria <br />fairly closely. 'The site plan appears to show that sewer service will be provided via new <br />gravity collector lines extended from existing manholes. The plan does not show any <br />proposed sewer pumping/lift stations which, as you are.aware, would be at least <br />somewhat problematic. There is or may ultimately be a minor final sewer design issue as <br />to how service is extended to lots 8, 9 and 21, as these lots do not appear to front on the <br />proposed collector lines; However, please be advised that, at this time and without sewer <br />profile plans, I cannot verity or certify that the gravity sewer layout that is shown is <br />actually a workable plan, <br />In conclusion, I can state that: 1) the Efland sewer system can accommodate the sewer <br />flow that can be projected from a 50 to 601ot subdivision; 2) the proposed sewer layout <br />appears to conform to standard and acceptable engineering practice for gravity sanitary <br />sewer layout; 3) nothing shown on the plans, as far as sewer layout is concerned, appears <br />to be unacceptable in terms of general County or Efland sewer policies and practices; and <br />4) subject to all final design and state permitting requirements and approvals related to <br />layout, materials, constriction and consnvction oversight practices, etc., and unless there <br />is a significant flaw in the proposed collector layout, sewer service can be extended to the <br />property as long as all County relative zoning, subdivision, land use, watershed, density, <br />etc., ordinances and policies are satisfied. <br />