Orange County NC Website
U.s. DEHARTMENT OS AGRICVLTUR$ PAGE 3 OF 2 <br />'rrAxvRAS, RESOURCES corzsERVATIOrr ssRVrc~ io/3o/ao <br />RECltEATIOrlAL DES/EL,GPFOrNN'T <br />Endnoke -- RECRFATIgNAt, DEVELDPM6NT . <br />The evils of the survey area are rated is this report according to limitatieaa that affect theiz suitability !or <br />recreation. The ratings are bdaed an restrictive Boil features, such as wetaeas, slope. and texture of the surface <br />layer. 9uscepcibility to flooding is ceasidezed. riot considered in the raCiags, but impaxtant is evaluating a <br />site, are the loeatign and accessibility o! the area, the aixe and shape of the area and iCa scenic quality, <br />vegekatiaa, access ko water, potential 'water it sites, and access to public sewer lines. The capacity of <br />the soil to absorb septic tank effluent sad the ability of the soil to euppoxt vegetation are also impoztaaC. Boiis <br />subject to flooding are limited for recreakion uses by the duration and inkenaity o! tlaeding and khe aeaaen when <br />flooding occurs. is planning recreation facilities, onnits asaeaament of the height, duration, inCenaity, sad Lrequency <br />of flooding is essential. <br />In this report the degree of soil limitation is exprenaed as ^Slight," "Moderate," or "severe.^ "911ght" means that soil <br />propaztiea are geaeraliy lavorabin and that limitationa.are minor and easily. overcome. "Moderate" means that <br />limitations can be overcome or alleviated by piaaning, design, or special•maiatenance. "9evere^ mesas thak sail <br />properties aze unfavorable sad that limitations can be offset only by costly soil reclamation, special design, <br />iataasive maintenance, limited usn, or by a combination of these measures. • <br />The information in this report can be supplemented by information available in other reports, for example, <br />interpretaCioiis.'tor septic tank absorption !ie],da in the Sanitary Faoilikies report and interpreEakiona !ax dwellings <br />without basements and for local roads sad skreeta is the Building Site Development report. <br />CAMP AREAS require site pzepazation; such as shaping and leveling. the tent and parking areas, stabilising roads and• <br />intensively used areas, and installing sanitary facilities sad lines. Camp azeas aze subject to heavy foot <br />kxaffic sad acme vehicular traffic. Ths beat soils have mild slopes and are sot wet or aubjact to flooding during <br />she period of use, The surface has few or ao atones or boulders, absorbs rainfall readily buk remains fixm, and is <br />not dusky whesi dry. strong slopes sad atoaea or boulders can greatly increase the cost of Constructing campsites. <br />PICNiC AREAS are subject to heavy foot traffic. Moat vehicular kraffic la confined Co access roads and parking <br />areas. The beat soils for picnic areas are firm whoa wet, are not dusty when dry, are net subject to flaeding dozing <br />the period of use, sad do net have elopes ar seance ar beul3era that increase the cook of shaping sites or of <br />building aoceaa roads and parking areas.. _ <br />PLAYGROUNDS require eoiis thaC can withstand iatersaive loot traffic. The beat soils ass almost laves and are nok weC or <br />subjeck to !loading during this season of use. The surface is frees of atones and boulders, is firm after rains, and is <br />not- dusty when dry. It grading is needed, the depth of t2ie soil over bedrock ar hardpan should be considered. <br />PATHS ANO TRAILS for hiking sad horseback riding should require little ar no cutting sad tilling. The beat soils <br />are ask wet, are 'firm after rains, and not dusty when dry, sad are sot subject to flooding more than once a year during <br />the period et use, They have a~ey-aCe elopes and fir or ae etoaea or boulders oa the auxLaee. <br />GOLF FASR9PAY9 are subject to heavy foot traffic and lama light vehicular traffic. Cutting or filling maY be <br />required. The beat nails for use as golf fairways are firm whey wet, are aoC dusty whea•dry, sad are riot subject to <br />prolonged flooding duri,ag the period of use. They have moderate slopes sad no stoaea oz boulders oa the aurfaee. <br />The suitability et the soil for tees or greens is not considered is rating the soils. <br />