Orange County NC Website
V.S. DEPARTMENT OH AGRIGVLTIIA$ <br />NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE <br />SAILDING SITS DBVELDPb03NT <br />Endriate -- BVILZtING SITS DEVELOPMENT '~ <br />PAGE Z OF 1 <br />10/30/00 <br />This report shows the degree a~ kirui c! sail limitakions tbaC affect ehallorr excavatioaa, dwellings wikh atsd without <br />basements, small commercial buildiaga, lacat roads sad streets, sad lawns grid landscaping. The limikatione are <br />"Slights, "Moderate", or "Severe^. The limitakiona axe eonaiderad "Slight" i! sail properties and site leakures are <br />generally favorable for the indicated use and limitaieas are minor and easily overcome; "Moderate" it eo31 properties <br />OT site features are not favorable foe the indicated use sad special planning, design, oT maintenance is needed Co <br />overcome or miniroiza the limikatiens; and "Severer if soil properties or site Leaturea are eo unfavorable oz as <br />dift,icult to overcome that special design, aignificank increases in eonstsuokion cores, and possibly increased <br />maintenalsce are required. 'gpeoial feaaibility studies may be reg+,±red whexe Cho sail 1lmitationa era severe. <br />siO#LLOw' EXCAVATIONS are trenches ar holes dug to a maximum depth of 5 ar d Lace tar basements, graves, utility lines, <br />open ditches, and other purpeaes. The Takings are based on soil properties, ales features, and observed perfo^•~~^e of <br />the evils. The cane of digging, filling, and compacking is affected by the .depth to bedrock, a cemenkad pan, or a very <br />firm dense layer; atone coatenk: soil texture; and slope. The time at the year that excavskiona eaa ba made is <br />affected by the 'depth do a aeasenal high water Cable and the ausoeptibility of the soil to !leading. Ths reaiatance o! <br />the excavakian walla or bands to sloughing or caving is affected by soil Cexkure and the depth to the Prater kable. ' <br />DWEI'LxNGS AND SMALL COMt~RCIAL BUILDINGS are stTucturea built on shallow foundations on vadiatvrbed soil. The load <br />limit is khe game ae Chat for single-family dwellings no higher than three stories. Ratings are made for small <br />commercial buildings rikhouk basements, for dwellings with basements, and tar dwellings without basements. The rakiags <br />are based on soil properties, site featuxea, and observed performance of the soils. A high water Cable, depth ko bedrock <br />er to a cemented pan, large stoaea, slope, sad flooding affect the ease at excavaeion and conaeruetion. landscaping <br />and grading that r sire outs and fills of moxe thaw 5 ar 6 Leer are wok considered. <br />LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS have an all-weather surface sad carry automobile and light truck Craffic all year. They <br />have a subgrade of cut oT !111 evil material, a base of gravel, crushed rock, or akabiliaed soil material, and a <br />flexible or rigid surlaca. .Cuts and fills are generally properties, site features, and observed perfo~a.^ce of she` <br />soils. Depeh to bedrock pr tq a eemeaeed pea, a high water table, flooding, large skoaea, and elope affect khe ease of <br />excavating and•grading. Boil atreagth (aa inferred from the engineering classification o! the soil), shrink-swell <br />potential, frost action potenkial, and depth'eo a high water cable affect the traffic-aupparting capacity. <br />LA97l1S AND LANDSCAPINq require calla en which kart and eraamenkal trees and shrubs can be established and ' <br />maintained. The ratings era based oa soil properties, site features, and abaerved perfo~~~ro of the soils. soil <br />reaction, a high water r,rle, depth to bedroc]e oz to a cemented pea, the available water capacity is the upper a0 <br />inches, sad the content of salts, aedium, a~ sultidic materials affect plant growth. Fleeding, wetaaaa, slope, <br />aeoainesa, and the ameuat of sand, clay, or organic matter in the surface layer affect trafficability after vegetatiaa <br />is established. <br />