Orange County NC Website
U.S, DEPARTMENT 08 AGRICCILTCTRE <br />'`tAZt7RAL RF.SOVRCES CONSERVATION ~vICE <br />SANITARY FACILITSSS <br />ErrdnoCe -- SANITARY FACILiTigg_-Coneinuedx` <br />PALiE 3 CF 3 <br />1D/30/00 <br />an nail properties, site features, and observed performance o! the soils. PexmeabilitY. depr-h Co bedrock or Ee a <br />cemented pas, a high wafer Cablb, slaps, and lleodiag a!leat boCh types a! laadLill. Texture, sConea sad boulders, <br />highly organic layers, sail xeaotioa, and contest o! salts sad eadium a!lect trench type laadfilla. unless otherwise <br />seated, Che ratisga apply only to that parC o! Cho soil within a depth a! about 6 leer. For deeper trenches, a <br />limiCation.rate ^SlighC" os "Moderate" may sot be valid. Onaite i.meaCigatios is needed. <br />DAILY COVER FOR LANDFILL is the•soil material that is used to sever oompacted gelid waste is as area type sanitary <br />landfill. The soil material is obtained o!lsiCe, Crassported to the landi'i11, sad spread over Che waste. <br />Sail texture, weCness, coarse fragments, and slops a!lecC Che sage oL removing sac! epseadirsg Che material during wet <br />and dry periods. Loamy or Ailty sails that are free a! large'~aeenee or excess gravel are Che beaC cover Lor a <br />landfill. C7,ayey soils may be stioky or cloddy sad are dilLieulC to ~read;.,sandy soils are sub~eaC Co soil <br />blowing. Alter soil material has been removad, the soil material remaining in.Che borrow area musC be thick enough <br />over bedrock, a oemeated Pas, or Che wafer table to permit revegatation. Tha soil material used as lisal cover !or a <br />laadlill should be auiCable !or plants. The aurLaoe layer generally has Che beat workability, more organic matter Chan <br />the reaC a! the prolila, and the Heat potential !or plaaka. Material from the au;Lace layer should be aCackpiled lor.use <br />as the Lina7, cover. . <br />