Agenda - 05-15-2001-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-15-2001
Agenda - 05-15-2001-9b
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Minutes - 05-15-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
RES-2001-057 Resolution to Approve the Sewer Service Extension Agreement for Ashwick Subdivision Preliminary Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
RES-2001-058 Resolution to Approve Ashwick Subdivision Preliminary Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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U.$. DEPARTMENT bF AGRICt]LTGRB <br />',NATURAL RESOURCES CONSEFLVATIgN SERVICE <br />SANITARX FACILITIES <br />Endaote -- SAN;TARP $ACILITIBS .,,~ <br />PAG8 2 OF 3 <br />10/30/00 <br />This report shows Chn degree sad kind o! nail limiCaCiaaa ChaC affect septic tank abaorpCioa fie].da, sewage lagaos~, <br />and eaaitary landlilla. The 1~mi.Cationa are considered "slight" i! soil properties sad ^ite leatuxea generally are <br />favorable for the indicated use sad limitations are minor and easily overcome: "Moderate" i! soil pmpertiea or site <br />leaCurCa are aoe favorable for the indicated use and special piaaairuj deal <br />minimise Cho lin+i.taCions; " ~ ~• or maiateaaace is anedad Ce overcemn er <br />end Severe" i! sail properties or vita features are eo imlaverable or ao difficulC to overcome <br />chat special design, 8lgailicanC iacreasee is consCruction caeca, sad possibly iacreaaed maiatenaace era required. <br />This reporC also ahgwe the suitability v! the aoiln for use as daily cover for landfill#. A racing a! "Good" iadicakea <br />that soil properties and siCe leaCUree are favorable !or the use and good performance sad low mainteaaace can be~ <br />expected: "Fa1r" indicates Chat sail preperciea and site fnaCurea are awderaCely lavorabla for the use acid one or <br />more sail properties er cite leaturea make Cho nail leas desirable Clears the soils rated •Good": aAd rpoo;• in~vatea <br />thaC one er morn soil prop~rCies ar site !encores era unfavorable for the use and avers . <br />properties requires special deal °~g Cho unfavorable <br />ga, e%t;a ma1aC°~+°~+^a• Or cesCly alteration. <br />SEPTIC TANK 1-AS08.PTION PIELCS are arena is which OfflueaC !rem a•aepCic Cask is disCribtrCed late t17e soil thrCUgh . <br />subsurface kilea ar perloraced pipe. only that part o! the soil between depths o! 2s to 71 iaohea is evaluaCed. The <br />ratiage are bane on sail properties, site features, and observed poor,,,=^~e o! the aoila.• Permeability, a high <br />warns Cable, depth to bedrock ox Co a cemented pan, and !loading affect absorption of the e!lluenC. <br />and bedrock ex a Cem~t~ pgn iaCerfere with installation. UasaCislacCory performance o! eepCic Cask abaozpti~onslielda, <br />including excessively slow absorption o! effluent, surfacing o! efflueaC, and hillside seepage, can affect public health. <br />Groundwater can be polluCed i! highly permeable sand and gravel or fractured bedrock is leas than 4 feeC beloar Cho <br />base of Cho absorption field, if slope is exceaeive, ar i! Cho wafer Cable is near the aurfaca. There moat be <br />unsaturaCed soil material beneath the absorption held Ce lilCer the efllueat effectively. Many local ordlaancea <br />require ChaC this material be a! a certain thiclazeas. <br />sEWAG8 LAGObNS are shallow ponds c~tructed to hold sewage while aerobic bacteria decompose the solid sad liquid <br />wastes. Lagoons should. have a nearly level floor surrounded by cut slopes or embanl®eACS o! compacted soil. Lagoons <br />generally era desigand Co hold the sewage within a depth o! Z co 5 lest.- Nearly impervious soil material !or Clre lagoon <br />floor and aides is required Co minimize seepage and c6aCaminaCioa of ground wafer. This report gives ratings !or <br />the natural. soil ChaC makes up the lagoon floor. The 9ilrfaoe layer and, generally, 1 or Z feet of soil, material <br />below Che eurlace layer are rxcavaCed Ca provide material !or the embaa)anenCa.- The ratiaga are based oa soil <br />prapexCies, eiCe feaCUrCS, and observed performance of•the soils. 'Considered in C21e ratings era slope, ps~+~= iliCy, a <br />high water Cable, depth to bedrock or to a cemeaCed pea, !1 , la <br />E7CCC9aivn ae ~~g rge stones. sad coatetrC 4! orgaaiC maCter. <br />epage dun Co rapid pewability o! Chn soil or a wafer table Chat is high enough Co salsa Cho level o! sewage <br />in the lagoon causes a lagoon Co fvactiori+~atialaGCorily. PolluCioa results if seepage is exeeasive or if lloodwaCar <br />overtopa the lagoon. A high coaCeaC o! organic maCCer is dntrimeaCal Ca proper luuetioairng et Cho lagoea because it <br />inhibits aerobic activity. Slope, bedrock. sad cemaaCed pans eaa cause conatructiea preblesma, and large atones can <br />hinder compaction o! the lagoon floor: <br />~T~Y LANDFILLS are areas where solid waste is disposed o! by burying LC in soil. Thorn are tae types of landfill, <br />trench and area. Ia a Creacp landfill, the waste is placed is a Creech. IC is read <br />with a thin la ap compacted, sad covered daily <br />ynr o! soil excavated at the site. is as area landfill, Cho waste is placed in aueceasive layers as Cho <br />surface o! Cho soil. The waeca is spread, compacted, sad coveted daily wiCh a Chia layer o! soil form a source away <br />from the site. sorb types of load;ill muaC be ably to bear heavy veKicya,ar Craffic. BoCh Cypes iavelve a risk of <br />grouadwatar pollution. Base of exaavaeioa and revegeCatioa aced Co be coaaidered. The rakiaga 1a Ch1a repoz~C are based <br />
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