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21 <br /> 1 by public input. She said point#4 came out in order to prevent this type of meeting from <br /> 2 occurring again, without appropriate representation of all parties. <br /> 3 Commissioner Price clarified that the County did an assessment, which was not good <br /> 4 enough for the partners, and has lead to a new environmental assessment being needed. She <br /> 5 referred to point#5, which states developers may rely upon this. She said she is hoping that <br /> 6 this new assessment will be good enough for all three parties. <br /> 7 Travis Myren said he is not sure of the issues surrounding the first assessment, and why <br /> 8 it was insufficient. He said the new assessment will involve dispassionate, third party analysis, <br /> 9 which should be viewed as more neutral. <br /> 10 Travis Myren said the intention would be for the assessment to be turned over to future <br /> 11 developers. He said the County will not pay for anything further. <br /> 12 Commissioner Greene said it is her understanding that this would be the final <br /> 13 environmental assessment, and she thought this would be included this resolution. <br /> 14 Travis Myren said it is included in point#5. <br /> 15 Commissioner Greene said this is acceptable language. <br /> 16 Commissioner Marcoplos said there is now is a mediator with the MMC and minutes are <br /> 17 being taken, which are being received by all elected officials. He would like to see these <br /> 18 minutes available to the public as well. <br /> 19 Chair Rich said these minutes are public record. <br /> 20 Bonnie Hammersley said staff can put these minutes on the Greene Tract page of the <br /> 21 website. <br /> 22 Commissioner Marcoplos said he would like to put out PSAs to make the public aware <br /> 23 that these minutes are available. <br /> 24 Commissioner Bedford asked if John Roberts could confirm the meaning of point#4. <br /> 25 John Roberts asked if Commissioner Bedford is referring to completion versus adoption. <br /> 26 Commissioner Bedford said she is concerned that a MOU may never be completed or <br /> 27 adopted, and the Board may be tying its hands to never have further public engagement. <br /> 28 John Roberts said he does not interpret it to be indefinitely, and there is no legal <br /> 29 definition for completion, but rather it is a dictionary definition. He said completion means when <br /> 30 the MOU is done and being circulated for adoption. <br /> 31 Commissioner Bedford asked Travis Myren if there is a difference between an <br /> 32 environmental assessment versus a federal environmental impact statement. <br /> 33 Travis Myren said a federal environmental impact statement is used in larger projects, is <br /> 34 very prescriptive, etc.; and an environmental assessment is typically used on smaller things, <br /> 35 and comes before any environmental impact statement would be required. He said the size <br /> 36 and scope is different between the two. <br /> 37 Commissioner Bedford said it would be a courtesy for staff to reach out to the Chapel <br /> 38 Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) to see if they have any input. <br /> 39 Travis Myren said staff has already had a conversation with school district staff and <br /> 40 some preliminary information can be gathered that may be helpful in a school discussion. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 43 Reverend Robert Campbell is the Executive Chairperson of Rogers-Eubanks <br /> 44 Neighborhood Association (RENA) and a member of the Friends of the Greene Tract. He said <br /> 45 some of the technical language is confusing to the public, as much of it sounds the same, but <br /> 46 actually has different meanings and scope. He said the public has no understanding of the <br /> 47 verbiage, and it is important to have a glossary of terms for any information that goes out <br /> 48 publically, as it will help cut down on the misinformation and confusion. He said any collective <br /> 49 meetings should involve the community and all relevant staff groups, to ensure that all voices <br /> 50 are at the table. <br />