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18 <br /> 1 Commissioner Dorosin said none of this has a timeline, and some target dates are <br /> 2 needed on all this: a target date for the RFP, a target date for a completed report, a target date <br /> 3 for staff to be done with its review, etc. <br /> 4 Chair Rich said the intent of this agreement is not to get the target dates, but rather it is <br /> 5 an agreement to gather the information first and to work together, etc. She said if all three <br /> 6 partners do not approve to move forward, then any target dates are null and void. <br /> 7 Commissioner Dorosin said he just wants a sense of a timeline. <br /> 8 Chair Rich said discussing the timeline is one of the goals of the Assembly of <br /> 9 Governments (AOG) meeting next week. <br /> 10 John Roberts said the draft document is finished, and was submitted to the other three <br /> 11 attorneys three weeks ago. He said it sets an 18-month window, where all of the uses have to <br /> 12 be firmly established and if they are not, there is a 6-month window to resolve disputes, or there <br /> 13 will be a vote of the parties by ownership interest, allowing two parties to overrule a third. He <br /> 14 said two years is a reasonable time to resolve all issues, and there is always the last resort of <br /> 15 partition of the land, and returning it to Orange County jurisdiction. <br /> 16 Chair Rich said if the BOCC changes anything tonight, the process must start over. She <br /> 17 said Carrboro is voting on this tonight and Chapel Hill tomorrow night. <br /> 18 Commissioner McKee said this is moving slowly, but the Chair is correct; if the Board <br /> 19 changes anything the process must start over. He said the Board should approve this <br /> 20 resolution tonight, hoping the other entities approve it as well, and then all can move to the <br /> 21 MOU. <br /> 22 John Roberts said if substantive changes are made, then other parties would have to <br /> 23 review again. <br /> 24 Chair Rich said this item is on the AOG agenda. <br /> 25 Commissioner Price said there should be more specificity on a timeline of the public <br /> 26 information sessions. <br /> 27 Travis Myren said he would put together a target schedule to bring to the AOG meeting, <br /> 28 if that would resolve concerns. <br /> 29 Commissioner Price asked if this proposed timeline would include a time limit on when a <br /> 30 public information session would be held, after the assessment is completed. <br /> 31 Travis Myren said he is not sure how much of this was a point of a negotiation, but said <br /> 32 he can focus on getting the staff's work completed in a certain time frame. <br /> 33 Chair Rich said the intent of this statement is to give the ability to staff to look at the <br /> 34 assessment, compare it with original assessment, and create a group of staff to hold a public <br /> 35 information session. She said staff needs time to do its work. She said the intention is not to <br /> 36 withhold the information from the public, and the Mayor of Chapel Hill wanted to ensure that <br /> 37 staff has time to complete its work thoroughly. <br /> 38 Commissioner Price said she wants to ensure that the public has an idea as to when it <br /> 39 can see this report. She said she understands that staff needs time to complete its work, but <br /> 40 the public has requested that this assessment be done, and the public should have an idea of <br /> 41 when it will be available. <br /> 42 Commissioner Dorosin said once the assessment is released to the County, it is a public <br /> 43 record. <br /> 44 Commissioner Price said she would be satisfied if the resolution included that the <br /> 45 assessment would be made available online, once it was received. <br /> 46 Commissioner Greene said it is a good step to agree to move forward with the <br /> 47 assessment, while also working on the MOU. <br /> 48 Commissioner Greene agreed with Commissioner McKee that there is a concern if the <br /> 49 Board does not pass this tonight. <br />