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14 <br /> 1 C) which was not the same resolution and conceptual plan adopted by Orange County and the <br /> 2 Town of Carrboro. This resolution and conceptual plan acknowledged action taken at their <br /> 3 February 20 meeting and approved land use acreage designations, but did not specify land use <br /> 4 designations on the adopted conceptual plan. In addition, the Town Council adopted a second <br /> 5 resolution outlining next steps for the Greene Tract, which included the completion of an <br /> 6 environmental assessment. This element was not contained in the resolutions adopted by <br /> 7 Orange County and of the Town of Carrboro since a multi-jurisdictional environmental scan was <br /> 8 conducted. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 2020 Greene Tract Resolution <br /> 11 Following the July Chapel Hill Town Council meeting, local governments have been working to <br /> 12 bridge the two resolutions adopted by the Towns and County. In addition, the local <br /> 13 governments have considered the importance of the environmental assessment and how to <br /> 14 proceed. As a result of these discussions, a 2020 Greene Tract resolution was proposed. This <br /> 15 resolution would provide a process for the three jurisdictions to move forward in their pursuit of <br /> 16 development on the Greene Tract and would provide guidance and next steps while a <br /> 17 memorandum of understanding document is drafted. The resolution would: <br /> 18 <br /> 19 1. Initiate an environmental assessment of the 164-acre Greene Tract to determine the <br /> 20 most environmental sensitive area to be designated as the Headwaters Preserve. <br /> 21 2. Initiate drafting of a Memorandum of Understanding between the three jurisdictions. This <br /> 22 document would detail decision-making process for the jurisdictions to agree to. <br /> 23 3. Delay public engagement efforts until agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 With adoption by all three governing boards, the attached resolution would supersede the 2002 <br /> 26 Resolution, approved December 10, 2002, and the 2019 Resolution adopted on February 19, <br /> 27 2019 which outlined the County and Towns' intentions for developing the Greene Tract. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Greene Tract Environmental Assessment Interlocal Agreement <br /> 30 The proposed 2020 Greene Tract resolution outlines next steps, which includes the initiation of <br /> 31 an environmental assessment of the 164 acre Greene Tract to determine the most <br /> 32 environmental sensitive area to be designated as the Headwaters Preserve along with required <br /> 33 environmental areas within the 104 acres. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 The purpose of this environmental assessment is to obtain site-specific information on <br /> 36 environmental conditions present on the Greene Tract in order to identify areas of the property <br /> 37 to be preserved and/or protected. The assessment will also balance the environmental <br /> 38 conditions in conjunction with future infrastructure (i.e. roads, water, sewer, stormwater, etc.) <br /> 39 necessary for adjacent future development. A future developer would use this information as a <br /> 40 base and not have to duplicate such work. After future preserved areas are identified, then <br /> 41 other <br /> 42 areas that could be considered for desired uses as determined in future site evaluations, <br /> 43 suitability analyses, community input sessions, site plans, and development proposals. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Orange County, in partnership with the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, will be providing <br /> 46 joint funding to cover the costs of the environmental assessment as outlined in the Interlocal <br /> 47 Agreement (Attachment 3). The estimated cost for the environmental assessment is $40,000. <br /> 48 Based on the proposed cost share agreement of 43/43/14 percent (Orange County/Chapel <br /> 49 Hill/Carrboro respectively), Orange County's cost share will be approximately $17,200. The <br />