Agenda - 05-15-2001-8l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-15-2001
Agenda - 05-15-2001-8l
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9/1/2008 11:09:36 PM
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8/29/2008 10:31:49 AM
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Minutes - 05-15-2001
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w. <br />DRAFT <br />the effort and maintain coordination and agreement. Thy following details <br />how communication should occur between participants. <br />Initial Review and Consultation: Through a series of initial meetings, the <br />Board of County Commissioners will discuss and formulate Orange <br />County's legislative initiatives for General Assembly sessions. These <br />meetings will include the Board, the County Manager, the County Attorney, <br />the Assistant County Manager, the Assistant to the Manager, other county <br />staff as appropriate, and any other interested parties. The Board, County <br />Manager, and County Attorney will be the primary participants during these <br />discussions as various legislative initiatives are formulated, evaluated, and <br />refined. Discussions on legislative proposals and positions of the North <br />Carolina Association of County Commissioners, other counties, and other <br />entities will also be reviewed. The overall product of these meetings is to <br />fmalize Orange County's legislative initiatives and to determine Orange <br />County's positions/roles regarding legislative proposals, as known, by other <br />entities. The Board, County Manager, and County Attorney will prepare the <br />final legislative package and provide ,all participants with a copy of the <br />package. An explanation of each provision within the package should <br />establish a basis for all future actions and communication. <br />Telephone. E-mail, & Facsimiles: An important component of Orange <br />County's legislative success will be the use of immediate communication <br />tools to provide everyone with an update on the status of bills, committee <br />meeting times, the contents of individual conversations, revisions proposed <br />by other parties to Orange County's legislative initiatives, and all of the <br />other sharing 'of information that will be necessary. To that end, all <br />participants should plan to utilize telephone, a-mail, and facsimile <br />communication to share information with other participants. If facsimile or <br />e-mail is used, participants may need to make some effort to verify receipt <br />by the other participants. All participants should make concerted efforts to <br />check their fax machiries and a-mails regularly, especially during the <br />legislative."crunch" times when the Legislature and its committees are <br />acting swiftly and without much lead-time. <br />Status R orts and U dates: All participants, including various county <br />department heads whose functions will be affected by proposed legislation <br />being considered by the General Assembly, should provide all other <br />participants with status reports and updates of the impacts of the proposed <br />legislation as well as their activities in regard to legislation. This should <br />
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