Orange County NC Website
<br />DRAFT ~ <br />days, and the full Board may consider whether to discuss the matter at <br />its next appropriate meeting. <br />Legislative Actions: As the General Assembly session progresses, items <br />proposed by or of interest to Orange County will be approved, disapproved, <br />or redirected by legislative committees or by the two bodies of the <br />Legislature. The Assistant to the Manager will maintain oversight of these <br />actions and inform participants of them as they occur. <br />Individual Conversations: Part of the process of advancing Orange County's <br />legislative agenda will involve members of the Board as well as other <br />participants having individual conversations with specific legislators, small <br />groups of legislators, or with the General Assembly's legislative staff. <br />These.conversations will certainly have a bearing on the success of Orange <br />County's legislative .agenda as well as on the efforts and strategies of all <br />participants promoting the County's initiatives. With this in mind, all <br />participants should make substantial effort to share information from their <br />individual conversations with the other participants. This will not only <br />provide all participants with relevant and complete information, but will also <br />allow everyone to focus their efforts accordingly on the issue in question. <br />North Carolina Association of County Commissioners: Throughout a <br />Legislative Session, the North Carolina. Association of County <br />Commissioners will be following the activities of the Legislature and its <br />various committees. Orange County, and specifically the participants, <br />should plan to utilize all reports, services, sununaries, updates, and other <br />benefits provided by the Association as the county's legislative agenda is <br />advanced. An initial meeting with Association staff should occur to <br />ascertain the nature, content, and schedule of the Association's legislative <br />publications and initiatives. This meeting could also serve as an opportunity <br />to explore, additional means through the Association whereby the County <br />.and its legislative participants might improve their effectiveness and <br />efficiency in promoting the legislative agenda. <br />COMMUNICATION TOOLS <br />With any undertaking such as this initiative, it is mandatory that substantial <br />communication occur between participants to enhance the effectiveness of <br />