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DocuSign Envelope ID:AEB4824B-973E-408D-9C1C-5EDDD8B50786 <br /> Practice Standards and Specifications <br /> here provi si ons are made for regular maintenance, primary vegetative <br /> cover may be the end result. An example of primary vegetative cover being <br /> acceptable a as an end use would be lawns in residential and commercial <br /> devel opments that are establ i shed, moni tored and compl i mented wi th regul ar <br /> and approved horticultural maintenance practices. (See Example 6.1 La.) <br /> I n proj ects where Conti nual mai ntenance wi I I not be provi ded or schedul ed <br /> fol I owi ng the pri mary stabi I i zati on of a proj ect, I ong term stabi I i zati on wi I I <br /> be necessary. ai ntenance of initial and long term stabi I i zati on can cease <br /> only after the long term cover has establ i shed and hardened to local cl i mati c <br /> conditions. ai ntenance of long term vegetation must be included in the <br /> project construction sequence and on the approved plans. Examples of <br /> areas suitable for long term vegetation include roadsides, reforestation areas, <br /> restored flood plains,restored riparian areas,phased closing of landfills, and <br /> mi ni ng red amati ons. <br /> Compl ete stabi I i zati on requi res usi ng at I east two, and most ti mes, al I three <br /> vegetative phases.The design professional must clearly communicatethispoint <br /> in their specifications, construction sequence, and in direct communications <br /> to owners and installers. The charts in tables 6.1 La through 6.11.d provide <br /> information to assist the design professional in this task. The tabl es are not <br /> inclusive and are presented only as alternatives. The professional is expected <br /> and required to provide design and specifications that combine the information <br /> in the manual with knowledge of the particular sites and their constraints. <br /> H AND NUTRIENT AMENDMENTS <br /> Determining the nutrients that enable seed and container plants to grow, <br /> flourish, and become established after planting are critical elements of the <br /> design and stabi I i zati on process. The soi I s tests previously described will <br /> provide a recipe for amendments based on particular plants and particular <br /> soils. The test results will recommend the amounts of base elements(nitrogen, <br /> phosphorous,potassium),pH modifiers and other trace elements that should to <br /> be added to the soi I for sel ected sped es of seeds and pl ants. <br /> The acid/base characteristic of the soil is a primary component of soil fertility. <br /> I f the soi I aci dity i s not i n the proper range,other nutri ents wi I I be i neffecti ve, <br /> resulting in less productive plant growth. ost pl ants grow best i n a pH range <br /> of 6.5 — 7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral). The soil tests will recommend the <br /> specific amendments and application rates required to achieve this range. <br /> These amendments must be incorporated into the soil (not applied on the <br /> surface) to be effective. (See the General Requirements for soil preparation <br /> specifications and timing for incorporation of soil amendments.) <br /> The base elements are easi I y found in bulk quantities. i me can al so be <br /> obtai ned i n I arge quanti ti es. They al I must be thoroughl y i ncorporated i nto <br /> the soil through appropriate mechanical means. round surface appl i cati ons <br /> without proper soil mixing will result in poor results. <br /> I n addi ti on to the base ferti I i zers, other trace d ements are needed to produce <br /> healthy and vigorous growth.These include but may not be limited to sulfur, <br /> manganese, zinc, boron, chl on ne and molybdenum. If not a1 ready i ncl uded <br /> with bulk mixes of the base elements,they can be obtained from commercial <br /> suppl i ers. <br /> Rev.5/08 6.11.5 <br />