Orange County NC Website
6 <br />6.14.6 Rev. 12/93 <br />limited erosion protection. Therefore, they are usually used in conjunction <br />with an organic mulch such as straw. <br />Except when wood fiber slurry is used, netting should always be installed over <br />the mulch. Wood fiber may be sprayed on top of an installed net. <br />Mats, including “excelsior” (wood fiber) blankets, are considered protective <br />mulches and may be used alone, on erodible soils, and during all times of the <br />year. Place the matting in firm contact with the soil, and staple securely. <br />,167$//$7,212)1(77,1*$1'0$77,1* <br />Products designed to control erosion should be installed in accordance with <br />manufacturer’s instructions. Any mat or blanket-type product used as a <br />protective mulch should provide cover of at least 30% of the surface where it <br />is applied. Installation is illustrated in Figure 6.14a. <br />1. Apply lime, fertilizer, and seed before laying the net or mat. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: AEB4824B-973E-408D-9C1C-5EDDD8B50786