Orange County NC Website
6 <br />6.11.18 Rev. 5/08HERBACEOUS PLANTS-Seeding recommendations for primary stabilizationSuccessfull development depends on planting date (effectiveness goal: 6 mo. - 3 yrs. without an ongoing maintenance program) NATIVE SPECIES Optimal Planting Dates Common NameBotanical Name / CultivarNative / Introduced Fertilization/ limestone lbs/acreMountains PiedmontCoastal Plains Sun/Shade tolerant WetlandsRiparian BuffersInvasive Yes or NoInstallation / Maintenance ConsiderationsOther information, commentary 3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.Sweet WoodreedCinna arundinaceaNFBy soil test12/1-4/15 12/1 - 4/1 12/1-4/1Sun &Yes Poorly to No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed Warm season grassmod. Shadewell drained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsRice CutgrassLeersia oryzoidesNGBy soil test12/1-4/15 12/1 - 4/1 12/1-4/1SunYes Poorly No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed Warm season grassdrained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsIndian WoodoatsChasmanthium lati oliumNHBy soil test3/1 - 5/15 2/15 - 4/1 2/15-3/20Sun &NR Well No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed Cool season grass7/15-8/15 8/15 - 10/159/1 - 11/1mod. Shadedrained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsVirginia Wild RyeElymus irginicusNIBy soil test3/1 - 5/15 2/15 - 4/1 2/15-3/20Sun &NR Well No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed Cool season grass7/15-8/15 8/15 - 10/159/1 - 11/1mod. Shadedrained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsElymus hystriNJBy soil test3/1 - 5/15 2/15 - 4/1 NRSun &NR Well No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed Cool season grass7/15-8/15 8/15 - 10/15mod. Shadedrained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsSoft Rushuncus e ususNKBy soil test12/1 - 5/15 12/1 - 5/1 12/1-4/15 Sun Yes Poorly No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed8/15-10/15 9/1 - 11/1 drained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsShallow SedgeCare luridaNLBy soil test12/1 - 5/15 12/1 - 5/1 12/1-4/15 Sun Yes Poorly No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed8/15-10/15 9/1 - 11/1 drained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsFox SedgeCare ulpinoideaNLBy soil test12/1 - 5/15 12/1 - 5/1 12/1-4/15 Sun Yes Poorly No Mix with 3 to 5 other seed8/15-10/15 9/1 - 11/1 drained varieties that have similarsoil drainage adaptationsNOTE:1. Seeding rates are for hulled seed unless otherwise noted.2. Fertilizer & Limestone - rates to be applied in absense of soils tests. Recommended application rate assumes significantly disturbed site soils with little or no residual value. 3. NR means Species not recommended for this region or application area. 4. Native, warm season grasses require six or more months to germinate under optimum conditions. If they are planted in the summer, then a whole year will have to pass before they germinate. 5. Invasive designation as determined by the N.C. Exotic Pest Pant Council and N.C. Native Plant Society . 6. Sprigging is not recommended for immediate stabilization unless terrain is flat, heavymulch is applied and no other immediate stabilization method is practical.7. Sodding for immediate stabilization - see primary stabilization charts (other information column) and Section .8. Long term stabilization can only be accomplished with an adequate, immediate, and primary stabilization program. To achieve long term protective cover with the species listed inthis chart, the approved plan, construction sequence and maintenance schedule must include sufficient detail to assure vegetation will be established and maintained. To assure thelong term protective cover will be established, the reviewing and approving governing body may require a performance/maintenance bond.Table 6.11.c (con't)Little BluestemSchizachyriumNEBy soil testNR NR 12/1-4/1SunNR Welll No Responds well to Warm season grassscoparium / Commondrained controlled burns. Mix withEastern BottlebrushGrassSee Table 6. .d forvariety11seedling rates6. 21DocuSign Envelope ID: AEB4824B-973E-408D-9C1C-5EDDD8B50786