Orange County NC Website
3UDFWLFH6WDQGDUGVDQG6SHFL¿FDWLRQV <br />Rev. 5/08 6.11.1HERBACEOUS PLANTS-Seeding recommendations for primary stabilizationSuccessfull development depends on planting date (effectiveness goal: 6 mo. - 3 yrs. without an ongoing maintenance program) NATIVE SPECIES Optimal Planting Dates Common NameBotanical Name / CultivarNative / Introduced Fertilization/ limestone lbs/acreMountains PiedmontCoastal Plains Sun/Shade tolerant WetlandsRiparian BuffersInvasive Yes or NoInstallation / Maintenance ConsiderationsOther information, commentary Cheyennedraineddrainage adaptations.IndiangrassSorghastrum nutans /NBBy soil testNR 12/1 - 5/1 1/1 -5/1SunNR Well No Responds well toOnly Indiangrass adaptable toLomentadrainedcontrolled burns. Mix with Eastern coastal plain (Zone 8)3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.DeertongueDichantheliumNCBy soil test5/1-4/15 5/1 - 4/1 NRSun &Yes Poorly No Responds well toclandestinum / TiogaShadedrained tocontrolled burns. Mix withdrought 3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.Big BluestemAndropogon gerardii /NDBy soil test12/1-4/15 12/1 - 4/1 NRSunNR Welll No Responds well toWarm season grassRountreedrainedcontrolled burns. Mix with3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.Big BluestemAndropogon gerardii /NDBy soil test12/1-4/15 12/1 - 4/1 NRSunNR Welll No Responds well to Warm season grassKawdrained controlled burns. Mix with3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.Big BluestemAndropogon gerardii /NDBy soil test12/1-4/15 12/1 - 4/1 12/1-5/1SunNR Welll No Responds well to Warm season grassEarldrained controlled burns. Mix with3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.Little BluestemSchizachyriumNEBy soil test12/1-4/15 NR NRSunNR Welll No Responds well to Warm season grassscoparium / Aldousdrained controlled burns. Mix with3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.Little BluestemSchizachyriumNEBy soil test12/1-4/15 12/1 - 4/1 NRSunNR Welll No Responds well to Warm season grassscoparium / Cimmarondrained controlled burns. Mix with3 to 5 other seed varietiesthat have similar soildrainage adaptations.Table 6.11.c (con't)IndiangrassSorghastrum nutans /NBBy soil test12/1-4/15 12/1 - 4/1 12/1-4/1SunNR Well No Western coastal plain onlyResponds well to controlled varieties that have similar soilburns. Mix with 3 to 5 other seedSee Table 6. .d forvariety11seedling ratesDocuSign Envelope ID: AEB4824B-973E-408D-9C1C-5EDDD8B50786