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DocuSign Envelope ID:AEB4824B-973E-408D-9C1C-5EDDD8B50786 <br /> • Select a seeding mix of non-invasive species that will provide immediate <br /> stabilization(a short-term environment that will support and compliment <br /> permanent vegetative stabi I i zati on and include a selective ve native <br /> species mix that will eventually provide a permanent cover(a long-term <br /> envi ronment that,with mi ni mal mad ntenance,wi 11 provide adequate root <br /> and I eaf cover . <br /> • Invasive species are to be avoided. If native species and introduced non- <br /> i nvasi ve seed sources are not avai I abl e, protective matti ng that wi I I hold <br /> and foster the development of native cover from adjacent seed sources <br /> shoul d be used. Conti nuous mai ntenance must be empl oyed unti I the <br /> sel ected sped es have matured and are no I onger suscepti bl e to competi ti on <br /> f rom i nvasi ve pl ants. I f no a1 ternati ve to the use of i nvasi ve seeds and <br /> pl ants i s avai I abl e, i nvasi ves approved on the pl ans may be uti I i zed onl y <br /> wi th stri ct contai nment measures outl i ned i n detail I on the pl ans, i n the <br /> construction sequence and in the maintenance specifications. <br /> • Aquickly germinating nurse crop ofnon-invasive,non-competitive annual <br /> grass species can be used along with native seeding and/or matting. These <br /> temporary systems should be pl anted at mi ni mat density so that they do <br /> not i nhi bit the growth and establ i shment of the permanent,native species. <br /> (See the plant chart in Table 6.1 La for recommended native and nurse <br /> crop species. <br /> • Seed bed preparation is key to successful establishment of seeds. Particular <br /> care shoul d be taken, however,when worki ng i n wed ands, ri pari an areas, <br /> or floodplains due to their sensitive nature. Careful consideration should <br /> be gi ven to the types and pl acement of I arge equi pment worki ng i n these <br /> areas. Thi s process must be outl i ned i n detai I on the pl an s constructi on <br /> sequence. <br /> • Installation techniques vary and should be planned for accordingly. <br /> • A maintenance plan must be established for optimal plant establishment, <br /> submi tted wi th the pl ans and i ncl uded i n the bi d I i st for the proj ect. <br /> Like all construction sites,wetlands,riparian areas, and floodplains will vary <br /> wi del y i n physi cal makeup across N orth Carol i na. D i fferent condi ti ons wi I I <br /> dictate specific treatment, design and plant selection within the Mountains, <br /> Piedmont, and Coastal PI al n regions. Soil tests, seedbed preparation, <br /> mulching, matting, and madntenancewill be critical for successful vegetative <br /> establishment and long term protection of these environmentally sensitive <br /> areas. navoidable impacts to these areas during land disturbing activities <br /> need to be addressed i n detail I on the plan sheets and construction sequence. <br /> 6.11.8 Rev.5/08 <br />