Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:AEB4824B-973E-408D-9C1C-5EDDD8B50786 <br /> Practice Standards and Specifications <br /> PROTECTIVE MATTING <br /> Protective matting consists of an i mpervi ous cover secured to the soil surface <br /> in I i eu of vegetative cover. It is used to protect and stabi I i ze the surf ace where <br /> the process of seedi ng or pl anti ng forms of vegetation may cause more erosi on <br /> and off si to sedi mentati on than appl i cati on of the mat. I t i s a1 so used where a <br /> disturbed area is intended to lay fallow for a period of time before additional <br /> constructi on or I and di sturbance takes pl ace. I f a pervi ous matti ng i s sell ected, <br /> a combi nati on of vegetati on and matti ng i s requi red. Seeds can be appl i ed <br /> prior to i nstal I ati on of the matting only after proper seedbed preparation <br /> has been provided. Also, live stakes, dormant sprigs, and other vegetation <br /> forms can be inserted in the pervious matting once it has been i nstal I ed. Pre <br /> seeded pervious matting may be used for quicker root establishment and <br /> stabilization only if certified dating and germination guarantees are provided. <br /> The reviewing agency must approve all pre seeded matting on site prior to <br /> installation. Matting that incorporates plastic mesh and/or plastic twine should <br /> not be used in wetlands, riparian buffers or floodplains due to the potential <br /> of small animal mortality. See Section 6.17 for detailed specifications and <br /> recommended product applications. <br /> STABILIZATION IN WETLANDS, RIPARIAN BUFFERS, AND <br /> FLOODPLAINS <br /> and disturbing activity involving streams, wetlands or other waterbodies <br /> may also require permitting by the S.Army Corps of ngi neers or the N.C. <br /> Division of ater uality.Approval of an erosion and sedimentation control <br /> pl an i s condi ti oned upon the appl i cant s compl i ance wi th federal and State <br /> water quality laws, regulations,and rules.Additionally, adraft plan should be <br /> disapproved if implementation of the plan would result in aviolation of rules <br /> adopted by the nvironmental anagement Commission to protect riparian <br /> buffers along surface waters. Care should be taken in selecting vegetative <br /> stabi I i zati on of wetlands and riparian buffers to comply with permitting <br /> requirements of other agencies,as wel I as provide adequate ground cover. <br /> Planning Considerations for Land Disturbing Activities Within Wetland, <br /> Riparian,and Floodplain Areas <br /> Wetlands,riparian areas,floodplains, and/or terrestrial areas between streams <br /> and uplands, serve to buffer surface water and provide habitat for aquatic and <br /> terrestrial flora and fauna. When cleared and disturbed, these sensitive areas <br /> are difficult to protect. Because of their proximity to water courses,relatively <br /> high ground water tables,and flooding potential, detailed analysis and design <br /> is necessary to determine the appropriate erosion control measures during <br /> construction. Determining the appropriate and most expeditious means of <br /> permanent vegetative stabi I i zati on in these areas requires equal I y detai I ed <br /> and ysi s and desi gn. The f of I owi ng condi derati ons for erosi on control and <br /> stabi I i zati on shoul d be taken i nto account duri ng the deli gn phase of the I and <br /> di sturbi ng proj ect where send ti ve areas are i nvol ved: <br /> • Obtain soil tests to determine the soil type, pH, texture and available <br /> nutri ents. <br /> • Based on the soil tests provide a schedule of nutrients and other soil <br /> amendments that wi I I be requi red. <br /> Rev.5/08 6.11. <br />