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DocuSign Envelope ID:AEB4824B-973E-408D-9C1C-5EDDD8B50786 <br /> Provisions for soils test during and/or after initial grading is complete shall <br /> be i ncl uded on the approved pl an, i n the approved constructi on sequence,and <br /> on the bid item list utilized for the project. 1j'you did not obtain a soil test: <br /> Follow these recommendations for all grasses except centipedegrass. <br /> .Apply pounds of ground I i mestone per , sq.ft. <br /> 2.Apply a starter type fertilizer(one that is high in phosphorus)based on the <br /> type of grass and pl anti ng method. Ferti I i zer bags have a three number system <br /> indicating the primary nutrients, such as 8-8-8 or 5-10-10. These numbers <br /> denote the N P ratio the percentage of each nutrient in a fertilizer. The <br /> percentages are al ways noted i n the fol I owi ng order: <br /> N Nitrogen for green color and growth. <br /> P O Phosphorus for good establ i shment and rooti ng. <br /> O Potassium to enhance pest and environmental stress tolerance. <br /> Some common examples of starter type fertilizers required for a 1,000 sq. <br /> ft. area include 40 pounds of 5-10-10, 20 pounds of 10-20-20, or 16 pounds <br /> of 18-24-6. For sandy soils, typical to coastal plain and sandhills of North <br /> Carolina,ferti I izer rates shout d be increased by percent. <br /> here avai I abl e, it is recommended that the design professional specify <br /> organic compounds that meet the ferti I i zati on requirements, pH and other <br /> element requirements. Initial studies have indicated that these compounds <br /> have a more positive effect on the environment than some of the synthetic <br /> compounds used to manufacture inorganic fertilizers. These materials are <br /> readi I y avai I abl e i n the commerci al trade as wel I as found i n recycl ed yard <br /> waste debri s, sewerage sl udge, I i me stabi I i zed sl udge and ani mat manures. <br /> Materials proposed for use must be industry certified and/or privately tested <br /> and certified to be acceptable for proposed areas of use and application prior <br /> to approval. <br /> MULCHES AND TACKING AGENTS <br /> ul ches and tacki ng agents may be requi red or necessary to protect a seedbed s <br /> disturbed surface until the seed can germinate and provide the required <br /> protecti on f rom erosi on. Sel ecti on of the mated al s used i n thi s appl i cati on <br /> shoul d be based on thei r abi I i ty to hol d moi sture i n the soi 1, as wel I as protect <br /> exposed soil from rainfall, storm water runoff, and wind. The availability of <br /> the set ected mated al and the means to apply it are cri ti cal factors to consi der <br /> when pl anni ng for the stabi I i zati on of any di sturbed area. The mul ch must <br /> cover a minimum of eighty(80)percent of the soil surface and must be secured <br /> by a tacki ng agent,cri mpi ng,or protecti ve bi odegradabl a netti ng. Netti ng that <br /> incorporates plastic mesh and/or plastic twine should not be used in wetlands, <br /> riparian buffers or floodplains due to the potential of small animal mortality. <br /> See Section 6.14 for detailed specifications and product applications. <br /> SOIL BLANKETS <br /> Soi I bl ankets can be an acceptabl a and effective method of temporary sedi ment <br /> and erosion control in lieu of nurse crops. See Section 6.17 of the manual for <br /> descri pti ons of thi s product and how i t can be used i n conj uncti on with thi s <br /> section. I n absence of mul ches and tracki ng agents other means of protection <br /> may be necessary and required. <br /> 6.11.6 Rev.5/08 <br />