Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />Start-un Annual Cost <br />al) Continue with the development of local television programs and air a <br />minimum of two programs per month "In Praise of Age" Show, <br />portraying seniors in a positive light. (cost -materials/supplies). $1,500 <br />The Well-Fit Older Po ulation <br />Goal II-A: To improve and/or maintain the health status of Orange <br />County's Well-Fit Seniors for as long as possible. <br />At-risk _ ealth Promotion- Provide culturally sensitive, quality information <br />on health promotion and personal preventive health actions to at-risk <br />populations of older persons. (page 17) <br />bl) Provide educational materials and/or programs designed to teach older <br />persons and their cazegivers on effectively using their health care providers <br />such as "How to Get the Most Out of Your Visit to the Doctor." <br />(Cast -~-Design & Materials available in English and Spanish) $2,000 <br />Goal II-B: To ensure an adequate supply of affordable, safe and suitable <br />housing exists for older residents in Orange County. <br />Housing_(page 19) <br />al) Complete an assessment of housing needs, quantities, and amenities for <br />older persons in Orange County for the years 2001-2020. <br />(Cost - OCHCD-professional contract) ~ $d,000 <br />The oderatel Im a'red Olde Po ulation <br />Goal III-A: To recognize and support the efforts of informal caregivers <br />in providing care to older persons in Orange County. <br />Respite Services (page 23) <br />bl) Coordinate and provide heavy house cleaning service for clients on <br />a sliding scale fee. (Cast -outside contracts) $13,500* <br />cl) Research the need far an adult day program (social and health models) and <br />design a program based on the results of the research. (Cost materials/intern) $200 <br />c2) Develop a funding plan for the provision of adult day services. <br />(Cost -materials/intern) $300 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />