Orange County NC Website
C . MAXIMUM COUNTY COMMITMENT $ The Inducement Grant SHALL NOT EXCEED <br /> (Eighty Six Thousand Two Hundred Sixty One Dollars ( $ 86 , 261 . 00 ) . This is the maximum <br /> allowable inducement amount based on an estimated Total Taxable Investment by the Company <br /> of Four Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $ 4 , 150 , 000 . 00) . This maximum amount <br /> may be reduced based on lower than anticipated investment by the Company . <br /> 4 . EXPANSION OPPORTUNITY <br /> Participation in this Agreement shall not exclude the Company from consideration for additional <br /> inducements from the County either during or upon completion of this Agreement . Future <br /> projects shall be considered on a case - by- case basis and induced at the discretion of the County <br /> based on new taxable investment and job creation in excess of the minimum levels outlined in <br /> Section 2 above . Any such agreement shall require a separate "Performance Agreement" which <br /> shall conform to all relevant North Carolina Statutes and/or Orange County Ordinances , Policies <br /> or Resolutions , shall be in writing, and shall be mutually agreed upon by the Parties . <br /> 5 . PROOF AND CERTIFICATION <br /> The officials of the parties to this Agreement shall furnish the necessary reports and certificates <br /> to verify that each party ' s respective goals are met . Acceptable forms of proof for taxable <br /> investment shall be the records of the County Tax Administrator . Acceptable forms of proof of <br /> payment of taxes shall be in the form of cancelled checks , and receipts of payment from the <br /> County Tax Administrator . Acceptable forms of proof for employment numbers shall be in the <br /> form of a notarized statement from a North Carolina licensed Certified Public Accountant and <br /> shall be verified by the North Carolina Employment Security Commission . <br /> Until that date which is one ( 1 ) year following the date of the final Incentive Grant payment, the <br /> Company shall allow representatives of the County to enter the Facility during normal business <br /> hours upon forty- eight (48 ) hours prior notice for the purpose of confirming that the claimed <br /> investment and employment goals have been met . Company will not be held liable for injuries to <br /> representatives of the County while at the Facility . <br /> 6 . REMEDY <br /> A . INDUCEMENT PACKAGE : If the County does not meet and maintain the terms set forth <br /> in the inducement package , the Company has the option to the rights set forth in Section 1 IA of <br /> this Agreement upon thirty ( 30 ) days written notice to the County . <br /> B . DELAY OF INDUCEMENT PACKAGE INITIATION : If the Company believes that it will <br /> not meet employment and investment goals that are to be met pursuant to this Agreement by <br /> December 31 , 2020 , the onset of this Agreement may be delayed up to one ( 1 ) year , at the option <br /> of the Company . Written notification of the exercise of this option to delay onset must be <br /> received by the County no later than December 31 , 2020 . In that event this Agreement shall <br /> initiate no later than December 3 1 , 2021 and shall expire no later than January 31 , 2026 . In the <br /> event the employment and investment goals are not met due to causes beyond the control of the <br /> Company, the period in which such employment and investment goals are to be met may, upon <br /> written notice to , and agreement by the County, be tolled by the period of such delay , up to one <br /> ( 1 ) year, caused by such causes beyond the control of the Company (for purposes of this Section <br /> 6B causes beyond the control of the Company are limited to delay in completion of public works <br /> Page 6of14 <br />