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8 <br /> <br />multiple medals and awards during his service. His proudest accomplishment was in the <br />“number of Marines” he was able to keep alive. <br /> <br />On behalf of the VFW, Post 9100 will recognize Sarah Pickhardt for her exemplary service to <br />the residents and visitors of Orange County, and throughout the State of North Carolina with a <br />framed citation in honor of Ms. Pickhardt’s contributions and with a one hundred dollar ($100) <br />donation to the organization of her choice. <br /> <br />Captain Simmons said the VFW likes to be involved in its communities, and to recognize <br />those who give back to the community. He shared a story of a military service experience that <br />he said opened his eyes to all that those in emergency services do for others. He presented a <br />plaque to Sarah Pickhardt in thanks for all that she does. <br />Kirby Saunders read a citation acknowledging the excellent efforts made by Sarah <br />Pickhardt in her line of work. He presented her with the citation, as well as some coins. <br />The Board hosted and expressed their appreciation to the Veterans of Foreign Wars <br />Post 9100 for extending their outreach to recognize individuals who have a positive impact on <br />the community, and join with Post 9100 in recognizing and congratulating Sarah Pickhardt for <br />receiving this honor. <br /> <br />f. Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FYE 6/30/2019 <br />The Board received the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal <br />year ended June 30, 2019. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: The CAFR reports on all financial activity of the County for the fiscal year July <br />1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Mauldin and Jenkins, a firm of Certified Public Accountants, <br />audited the financial statements. The financial statements and audit are required by Chapter <br />159-34 of the North Carolina General Statutes. The County prepares a Comprehensive Annual <br />Financial Report (CAFR) that meets the standards set by the Government Finance Officers <br />Association (GFOA). The CAFR is submitted to the GFOA in order to be awarded the Certificate <br />of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The financial report for the Orange <br />County SportsPlex, as required under the management contract, is included in the County’s <br />CAFR. <br /> <br />The County received an unmodified (clean) audit opinion on the financial statements received <br />from the audit. The financial audit results indicate compliance with County financial policies. The <br />Chief Financial Officer and representatives of Mauldin and Jenkins will cover highlights of the <br />report and answer any questions. <br /> <br />Gary Donaldson, Chief Financial Officer, made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> <br />Fiscal Year 2018-19 Review <br />December 10, 2019 <br />BOCC Regular Meeting <br /> <br />Operating and Capital Funds Highlights <br /> Met Board County Policies including Unassigned Fund Balance levels <br /> Favorable Budget versus Actuals Performance and Fund Reserve Levels as forecasted <br />in Quarterly reports and Long-Term Forecast Model; <br /> Continued reduction in General Fund subsidy to Solid Waste Fund from $1.5 million to <br />$126,510;