Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> <br />o In accordance with AICPA professional standards, M&J is independent with <br />regard to the County and its financial reporting process. <br />There were no fees paid to M&J for management advisory services during fiscal <br />year 2019 that might affect our independence as auditors. <br /> <br />General Fund Balance Ratio to Expenditures (graph) (add verbiage from PPT)-87 days of <br />fund balance <br /> <br />Trend Analysis of Property and Sales <br />Tax Revenue per capita (graph) <br /> <br />General Fund Budget to Actual Results <br />Fiscal Year 2019 (graph) <br /> General Fund revenues were 1.5% more than the amended budgeted amount. The <br />actual revenue was over budget due to increased actual property tax collections. <br /> Expenditures for many functional areas were less than budget by $7.9 million (3.5%) <br />from the operating budget. Several departments came in under budget due to personnel <br />vacancies and efforts to spend conservatively. <br /> Budgeted use of fund balance was not needed to the extent anticipated, as actual <br />revenues and other financing sources exceeded expenditures. <br /> General Fund significant transfers were $1,493,643 to School Capital Improvement <br />Fund; $1.7 million from School Capital Improvements; $220,000 to County Capital <br />Improvement Fund; $126,510 to Solid Waste Landfill Fund; $2,626,520 to Internal <br />Service Funds and $687,783 to non-major governmental funds. <br /> <br />Enterprise Results <br />• Solid Waste Fund still relies on transfers in from the General Fund. <br />• The Solid Waste and Sportsplex Fund reported an increase in net position for the fiscal <br />year ended June 30, 2019. <br /> <br />Single Audit Engagements <br /> Federal Expenditures of $16.8 million <br /> Type A program threshold in 2019: $750,000 <br /> State Expenditures of $4.3 million <br /> Testing for 3 Federal and 2 state programs in 2019 – DEFSA <br />o Child Support Enforcement (93.563) <br />o Medicaid (93.778) (State) <br />o Section 8 Housing Vouchers (14.871) <br />o Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (State) <br />o Lottery Proceeds (State) <br /> <br />Material Weaknesses on Financial Reporting <br />Equity Reconciliation <br /> During our testing, audit adjustments were required to adjust the opening net <br />position of the four funds. The entries included adjusting balances incorrectly coded to equity <br />during the current year, as well as to record audit entries from the prior year which were not <br />posted to the County’s general ledger. Audit adjustments totaling approximately $2,794,000 <br />were needed to correct the County’s opening fund balance and net position as of June 30, <br />2019. <br />