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8 <br /> <br /> <br />Jason Shepherd <br />• VAD - 42.38 acres – High Rock/Efland Agricultural District – 1 parcel of land <br />• Hay crops, soybeans, and managed woodland <br />• In addition to farming, Jason is also the Orange County Fire Marshal <br /> <br />Annette and Mark McClish <br />• VAD-14.1 acres – Cedar Grove Agricultural District – 1 parcel of land <br />• Goats, heritage turkeys, guineas, chickens, beef cattle, bees, and pasture. <br /> <br />Orange County Voluntary and Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural Program <br />The Agricultural Preservation Board has approved all of the farms requesting enrollment, as <br />presented. <br /> <br />Requesting approval from Commissioners to accept seven (7) farms into the VAD program and <br />an additional 375 acres* in the Voluntary Agricultural District program <br /> <br />With this approval: enrollment will be increased to <br />• 121 farms: 12,868 acres in VAD and 2,566 acres in EVAD <br />• Total of 15,434 acres in the program. <br /> * = rounded acres <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner McKee, for the <br />Board to certify the seven (7) farm properties noted above totaling 375 acres and designate <br />them as Voluntary Agricultural District farms within the Caldwell, Cedar Grove, High <br />Rock/Efland, Schley/Eno, White Cross, and Cane Creek/Buckhorn Voluntary Agricultural <br />Districts; and enroll the lands in the Orange County Farmland Preservation Program; Voluntary <br />and Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD and EVAD) programs. With approval of <br />these acres, the Orange County Farmland Preservation program will have enrolled 121 farms <br />totaling 12,868 acres in the VAD and 2,566 acres in the EVAD for a total of 15,434 acres in the <br />program. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />Commissioner Price said this is Gail Hughes’ last presentation, as she will be retiring. <br />She said she has done a fantastic job, and the County will be as a loss without her. She <br />thanked her for all her work over the years, and the way in which she worked with farmers. <br />Gail Hughes said there is a separate soil and water board, and there was membership in <br />the program, but it was not being run by anyone who understood farming and farmers. She <br />was happy to step into the role, and has enjoyed the opportunity to expand this program. She <br />said the success has been due to word of mouth, signage and the enthusiasm of the farmers. <br />Chair Rich said the VAD signs are so helpful in promoting and explaining the program. <br />Chair Rich referred to the selection of BOCC boards and commissions next week, and <br />said the Clerk sent out the draft listing, along with the process, today. She said commissioners <br />are able to save one board at the beginning of the process. She said last year Commissioner <br />Dorosin did not save a board, and she plans to do the same this year. She asked if one does <br />not save a board, does one get to pick a board after the saves are completed, and prior to the <br />second round beginning. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said he did not pick a board to save, and then did regular picking <br />in the second round. He said he did not get to pick a board in lieu of a save.