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3 <br /> <br />process. He said community meetings continue, and readying homes to be connected once <br />plumbers are lined up. <br />Chair Rich said the MMC also spoke about the Greene Tract governance document, <br />and plans to bring in a facilitator to meet with the attorneys, mayors, chairs and managers. She <br />said the BOCC agreed to move forward with a governance document, and proposed some <br />initial language, which Chapel Hill rejected. She said the Town wants to go back to a process, <br />and has requested Maggie Chotas as the facilitator. She said this will occur as soon as <br />possible. She said the Mayor of Chapel Hill wants to move forward on an environmental study <br />that would cost around $25,000-$30,000, but no one has a clear understanding on the scope on <br />this survey. <br />Commissioner Dorosin asked if the governance document has an intended purpose. <br />Chair Rich said there is an original document from 2000-01 which includes some <br />thoughts as to how to move forward with affordable housing; but since then, the Greene Tract <br />has become part of Chapel Hill’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). She said the older document <br />gives little guidance on working as partners together, and moving the process forward. <br />Travis Myren said conceptually the governance document would establish a process to <br />establish some decision points and to understand what will happen if a 3-party agreement <br />cannot be reached. He said this property is jointly owned and there are a variety of ways to <br />make this partnership work, and previous efforts have resulted in stalemate. <br />Commissioner Dorosin clarified that nothing can move forward with affordable housing <br />until these details are settled. <br />Travis Myren said yes. <br />Commissioner Greene referred to the environmental study, and said she is unclear on <br />why there is confusion. She said some work has already been done regarding environmental <br />issues. <br />Chair Rich said, at the MMC meeting, it was not clear from Chapel Hill what the scope of <br />the project would be. She said the feeling is that Chapel Hill wants an environmental study, but <br />does not know what it hopes to get out of said study. She said the Craig Benedict suggested <br />the Army Corps of Engineers, but the offer was declined. <br />Chair Rich said County staff did an environmental study, and that is where some of the <br />suggestions came from. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said some of the BOCC have walked the Greene Tract and <br />can see how the map reflects the environmental study that was done. He said it all makes total <br />sense, and that work was done to bring everyone to the point where serious decisions could be <br />made. He said it seems that there is a now a backtracking, and perhaps it would beneficial for <br />more elected officials to walk the Tract. <br />Commissioner Price said she heard that the environmental study was not conclusive <br />enough to determine density and planning options. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said his experience of walking the tract with the map is that <br />they are 90% there, and another study is unnecessary. <br />Commissioner Price said it seems greater information is desired. <br />Chair Rich said the Town of Carrboro wants this document up and running before <br />spending any more money on the Tract. <br />Commissioner Price asked if Chapel Hill will pay for the study that it has suggested. <br />Chair Rich said Chapel Hill is not planning to do anything on its own, and is requesting <br />that the partners join in with the study. <br />Chair Rich said some requested topics for the upcoming Assemblies of Government <br />(AOG) meeting are: <br />• Green Tract update <br />• Census update