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12 <br /> Ms. Rich emphasized the resolutions need to be simple and include the basics. Ms. Hemminger <br /> said Chapel Hill will need to find a way to communicate community meetings will occur later in the <br /> process. <br /> In terms of the meetings of the group in 2020, Ms. Hammersley said the elected officials should <br /> decide when and how frequently the group will meet and if it is helpful to have Ms. Chotas <br /> facilitate them Mr. Jones recommended the group meet again in early to mid-February after the <br /> Assembly of Governments meeting. <br /> Ms. Hemminger said she would like to spend time working on goals and principles with the Greene <br /> Tract. Mr. Jones noted Ms. Johnson has already started working on an "agreement matrix," <br /> specifying the overall goals. <br /> Ms. McGuire shared it would be helpful to delineate where there is agreement and where there is <br /> disagreement with the development of the property. She also explained that is different than the <br /> development of the process. These elements will be specified in the MOUs. <br /> Group decisions summary <br /> Ms. Chotas summarized decisions made by the group during the session as follows: <br /> 1. Moving forward with the EIS, beginning with the agreement for the mechanics of it <br /> 2. Moving forward developing the overall MOU/Governance Document to define and clarify <br /> the partnership <br /> 3. Developing a new joint resolution which would outline the status of the partners in <br /> working toward steps 1 & 2 outlined above <br /> Summarized next steps <br /> Participants clarified the next steps coming out of the session. <br /> Topic Action Steps <br /> 1. Minutes from the • The DSC team will deliver draft notes to the group by end- <br /> meeting of-day January 8, 2020 <br /> • Group members will have until January 13, 2020 to <br /> provide clarifications <br /> • The final draft of the notes will be distributed by January <br /> 17 <br /> 2. Establishing agreement . Nick Herman will take the lead in working with the other <br /> for the Environmental attorneys in developing a draft agreement, consulting <br /> Greene Tract Facilitated Discussion Minutes, December 2019, Page 12 <br />