Orange County NC Website
12:30 pm Lunch <br /> Watching video about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travis Myren to introduce <br /> 1:30 pm Systems Thinking & hunger focus in Orange County, Continued Michael Goodman <br /> 2:30 pm Presentation by County staff about programs in Orange County addressing hunger <br /> Ashley Heger <br /> Q& A <br /> 3:15 pm Reflecting on the day Maggie Chotas <br /> What are we learning from what we've heard? <br /> How is a Systems Thinking framework different from the way we tend to explore problems? <br /> What deeper questions/challenges are arising? <br /> Identifying next steps Maggie Chotas <br /> What are our next steps in regards to Systems Thinking and hunger in Orange County? <br /> 3:50 Assessing the retreat Maggie Chotas <br /> How well did the retreat reach its goals? What to change in future retreats? <br /> 4:00 Adjourn Chair Penny Rich <br />