Orange County NC Website
V. Liaison Reports: <br /> a. UNC Student Liaison Update—CPA has kicked off its season with Misty Copeland and is trying <br /> to diversify its programming. Many guest artist residencies are scheduled. Yep Roc is trying to <br /> expand community outreach. <br /> b. UNC/Chapel Hill Arts Commission—The Elliott Rd. area is being prepared for the installation of <br /> public art. Festifall is being reviewed. Playmakers is beginning its fall season. <br /> c. Hillsborough Arts Council—The council is holding elections for new and returning members. <br /> Volunteer for the Riverpark Concert on their website if you can. This is a fundraiser for the <br /> council. <br /> d. The Arts Center—Fall programs are ongoing including the after school program, artist <br /> residencies, and gallery exhibits. <br /> e. Carrboro Arts Committee—Marcella Slade has been selected as their new curator. <br /> f. Orange County Artists Guild—The guild is involved in ongoing planning for the tour this fall. <br /> VI. Advocacy Updates: <br /> a. The importance of having a solid financial policy was discussed. <br /> Doris made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Marcella seconded. <br /> Fred adjourned the meeting. <br /> Respectfully submitted, Delia Keefe, OCAC Secretary <br />