Agenda - 05-01-2001-9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-01-2001
Agenda - 05-01-2001-9d
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8/29/2008 2:53:09 PM
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8/29/2008 10:31:32 AM
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Minutes - 05-01-2001
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9 <br />8.8. an adequate turn-around is in place at the end of the road; <br />a-9.9. required vertical and horizontal clearance is provided; and <br />X10. der sight distance and construction at the intersection with a public road has <br />been approved by NCDOT: <br />SECTION 2b: TWIS SUBSECTION RELATES TO ITEM 4 OF THE BOARQ'S MOTION. ADD PROVISION <br />FOR AMENDMENTS TO BE REVIEWED IN TWO YEARS OR LESS. SECTION ON PURPOSE IS <br />AMENDED BY ADDING A FOURTW PARAGRAPH TO READ AS FOLLOWS: <br />Purpose <br />In Orange County, the preference is to serve subdivisions with State-maintained <br />(NCDOT) public streets or municipal streets. The County recognizes, however, that <br />private roads may be beneficial in some cases where the developer provides <br />significantly larger lots, and where a private road graded. to a narrower cross-section <br />saves valuable vistas, trees, or natural resources, and reduces cut-and-fill and overall <br />land disturbance. Where the developer clearly provides benefits such as enhancing <br />entrances or streetscapes off an adjoining public road, saving trees, providing large <br />lots, reducing disturbance, and "fitting" lots better into their natural surroundings, the <br />County Staff, Planning Board and Commissioners may permit the use of private roads. <br />The County is concerned about the logical and safe extension of public roads <br />throughout the County and also notes that private roads cannot be served by school <br />buses and sometimes not by rescue squads and fire trucks. Therefore, the County will <br />only approve private roads where the "benefits" outweigh the negative aspects. Private <br />roads will never be approved simply to save money. <br />Private roads are a privilege, and not a right, and must be justified by the <br />particular lot arrangement and benefits provided by each development. It is hoped that <br />the following regulations and standards convey the sense that private roads can be <br />used, but only where they clearly meet the spirit as well as the letter of the criteria <br />contained herein. <br />The Board of County Commissioners amended Orange County Private <br />Road Standards October. 10, 2000. Planning staff shall track the use of private <br />roads in subdivisions, and will report on private road subdivisions to the Board <br />no later than October 10, 2002. <br />
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