Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> <br />i r~.-~~ sir rl_~~~ ~.-..-.~ <br />f' n r \Alh <br /> /+ e~~ s+~r <br />~ e-~e,~S~„-cafe <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> s , <br />~ ' <br />1. The location and desi n of the subdivision is such that it clean reserves <br />the rural character of the County through: <br />a. The provision of lot sizes and building setback lines significant) <br />reater than re uired b the under) in zonin district, includin an <br />oveaa district re uirements, accordin to the followin standards: <br />1 For zonin districts havin a minimum lot size of 40,000 s uare <br />feet or less, all lots in the subdivision must be at least 80,000 <br />square feet. <br />2 For zonin districts havin a minimum lot size or er dwellin unit <br />area requirement of 87,120 square feet (two acres), all lots must <br />be at least 130,680 square feet (three acres) except _ for <br />subdivisions developed as flexible development subdivision_s_ <br />3 For clustered subdivisions develo ed as flexible develo ment <br />subdivisions reservin at least 33% of the land in o en s ace, <br />in a zonin district havin a minimum lot size or er dwellin <br />unit area re uirement of 87,120 s uare feet two acres or <br />reater, all lots must be at least 87,120 s uare feet two acres <br />and the overall densi of the subdivision must not exceed one <br />dwellin unit er 130,680 s uare feet three acres . <br />- 4 For all other cases, all lots must be at least five acres. <br />5 Buildin setbacks in all districts must be at least twice those <br />required by Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br />b. The retention and/or provision of landscaping and use of clustering of <br />dwelling units to screen the view of the subdivision from public roads, <br />maintain a wooded or forested character, maintain scenic views, or <br />preserve wildlife, botanical, historic, archaeological and/or recreation <br />sites; and/or <br />c <br />. <br /> <br />i ~- r::.~~.-. .-. rr..-. <br />c. The reservation of site features which direct) enhance the s ecial or <br />uni ue cultural, historical, archaeolo ical or biolo ical characteristics of <br />the immediate area as referenced in "An Invento of Sites of Cultural, <br />Historic, Recreational, Biolo ical, and Geolo ical Si nificance in the <br />Uninco rated Portions of Oran a Coun " or, for historic sites, if the <br />site is deemed eligible by the State Historic Preservation Office for <br />inclusion in the National Re ister of Historic Places. <br />