2019-842 Health - Walgreens drug dispense
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2019-842 Health - Walgreens drug dispense
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1/6/2020 9:41:48 AM
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1/6/2020 9:26:16 AM
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R 2019-842 Health - Walgreens drug dispense
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Zeldywco'L <br /> to becoming a Blocked Drug shall be subject to the Aged Drug or Slow Moving Drug <br /> replenishment process , as applicable . In the event a Covered Entity prescriber writes a <br /> prescription for a Blocked Drug, Covered Entity acknowledges and agrees such <br /> prescription shall be considered a Non - Eligible 340B Drug and Walgreens may collect <br /> the Usual and Customary Charge from the patient . <br /> 4 . 3 . 4 . Covered Entity will reimburse Walgreens the Inventory Replenishment Rate for Aged <br /> Drugs and Slow Moving Drugs . <br /> 4 . 4 . Tracking System . Walgreens maintains proprietary electronic tracking software that is capable of <br /> tracking 340B Drugs received from the Supplier, preventing the diversion of 340B Drugs to individuals <br /> who are not Eligible Patients , and verifying that such diversion has not occurred ( " 34013 Complete ° " ) . <br /> 340B Complete ° shall be able to provide comparisons of Eligible Patient prescriptions and dispensing <br /> records and a comparison of 340B Drug purchasing and dispensing records . Walgreens will reasonably <br /> cooperate with Covered Entity to address any potential irregularities detected in 340B Complete ° and <br /> will make adjustments to 340B Complete ° that are reasonably necessary to prevent diversion of 340B <br /> Drugs to individuals who are not Eligible Patients . Notwithstanding the foregoing , however, Covered <br /> Entity acknowledges and agrees it is the sole responsibility of the Covered Entity to review the Report <br /> and information available in 340E Complete ° to confirm that no diversion has occurred and that the <br /> Report and 340B Complete ° are tools provided by Walgreens to assist Covered Entity in that review . <br /> Covered Entity agrees to report any suspected instance of diversion to Walgreens within forty -five ( 45 ) <br /> days from the end of the month in which the prescription was dispensed and upon the mutual <br /> agreement of the parties , Walgreens shall make adjustments to the claim ( e . g . , reclassify the product as <br /> a Non - Eligible 340B Drug ) . <br /> 4 . 5 . Inventory Reconciliation . On a monthly basis , Walgreens will reconcile 340B Drug inventory <br /> using the information available in the Report and 340B Complete ° , and make any necessary financial or <br /> accumulator adjustments as described below ( " Reconciliation " ) . Reconciliation shall be conducted at <br /> the NDG11 level and only apply with respect to pharmaceuticals that have reached full package size , or <br /> are an Aged Drug or Slow Moving Drug, and for which Walgreens has or should have received <br /> replenishment from the Supplier . <br /> 4 . 5 . 1 . Non - Eligible Patients and Excess Replenishment. In the event Walgreens determines that <br /> 340B Drugs have been dispensed to non - Eligible Patients or that the quantity of 340B <br /> Drugs provided to Walgreens exceeds the quantity of 340B Drugs dispensed to Eligible <br /> Patients hereunder, Walgreens will adjust the virtual inventory so that such excess is <br /> applied against existing or future 340B Drug prescriptions dispensed hereunder . If such <br /> inventory credits are not depleted by subsequent 340B dispenses from Pharmacy <br /> Locations , Walgreens will reimburse Covered Entity for such remaining drugs in <br /> accordance with the wholesale acquisition cost . Covered Entity shall be responsible for <br /> assessing if the adjustment is the result of any noncompliance and if so determine <br /> whether it is required to self- disclose the noncompliance per HRSA guidelines . <br /> Walgreens shall not contact a drug manufacturer regarding a 340B Drug purchased by <br /> Covered Entity without the express prior approval of Covered Entity . The parties <br /> acknowledge and agree that Covered Entity shall remain ultimately responsible for the <br /> compliance of its 340B Drug Program and any corresponding self- reporting as necessary . <br /> With respect to adjustments made for dispenses of 340B Drugs to non - Eligible Patients , <br /> the following additional financial adjustments will apply : <br /> 7of24 <br /> MAT- 63397 OrangeCountyHD - WAG 340B 10312019 ( be ) V1 . 0 © 2019 Walgreen Co . All rights reserved . <br />
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