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03 <br /> b . Schedule for field trips <br /> The HPC discussed potential times for site visits to the Cate Farm property and the Little River Park <br /> and Natural Area . Once the HPC has visited the two properties it can prepare recommendations <br /> regarding stewardship for the various historic structures on the two sites and send those <br /> recommendations to the appropriate park workgroup . The dates of December 9th at 2 * 00 for the <br /> Cate Farm and January 13 ' for the Little River park were agreed upon . The HPC requested to ask <br /> Rich Shaw Land Conservation Manager for assistance in site visits . <br /> AGENDA ITEM # 6 : ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br /> a . Activities for County ' s 250th Celebration <br /> Moon asked the HPC to think about developing preservation - related brochures for distribution at the 250th <br /> celebration . Ideas included possible driving tours similar to the Little River Tour prepared by the Eno <br /> River Association along with a general pamphlet describing the HPC and its mission . Moon asked the <br /> HPC to consider significant historic sites that would be suitable for a driving tour brochure . <br /> AGENDA ITEM #7 : INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br /> a . Heritage/Scenic Corridor <br /> rridor program progress report <br /> Moon reported on the success of the Town of Cary in developing an open space and historic resource <br /> reservation program , Part of the report shows <br /> p p g p the use of computer technology to located views e p gy h ds <br /> based on contours . The ERCD GIS team is going to pursue the computer viewshed approach for the St . <br /> Mary' s Road project . Once the viewshed is identified , staff can overlay the areas that the HPC <br /> determined were the most significant . <br /> b . The Alliance for Historic Hillsborough <br /> Connor reported on the publishing of her journal "A Small Corner of Orange County — An Orange History: <br /> Reflections of Robert Davis and Others " <br /> c . Little River driving tour <br /> i <br /> ADJOURNMENT : Meeting adjourned at 8 : 35 p . m . <br /> II <br /> i <br /> Draft October 24 , 2001 HPC minutes Page 3 of 3 <br />