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. �. THE ALLIANCE REVIEW <br /> '- w <br /> v. <br /> Historic District Buildings in Danger r ' <br /> �= Community Preservation Act <br /> Signed <br /> Hagerstown, Maryland, officials are contemplating three On September 14, the Community Preservation Act, legisla- <br /> new projects that, if completed, could result in the loss of at bon designed as a tool for Massachusetts localities to <br /> least 17 buildings in its downtown historic district, enhance the preservation of open space , historic resources , <br /> and create low- cost housing , was signed by Governor Celucci <br /> •A $46 . 5 million National Museum of the Civil War. Eight and Lt. Governor Swift. <br /> buildings , including several dating to just after the Civil War, <br /> would be demolished. The Act ,allows each locality that voted to accept it to form a <br /> Community Preservation Committee to study the needs of the <br /> •A $ 12 million office park/parking garage. Three buildings , community and make recommendations to community lead- <br /> including a townhouse dating to before 1830 and two late ers regarding the expenditure of money on open space, recre- <br /> 19th century loft buildings would be demolished, ational land, historic preservation, and affordable housing. <br /> Financing for these Committees would come from a sur- <br /> •A $4. 4 million park and parking lot. Six buildings would be charge, up to three percent, on the property tax levy. <br /> destroyed for the park and 153 -car lot, which is next to a <br /> recently constructed _parking deck operating at below capaci- <br /> ty. <br /> Looters Set Record <br /> xF <br /> One bright spot for preservationists is a planned $ 10 .4 millionkt=rw <br /> Visual and Performing Arts Center. The most preservation- Looting in Oregon ' s Umpqua National Forest has brought <br /> friendly of the proposals , the Center would include a new the state ' s largest criminal penalty ever under the <br /> lobby for the historic Maryland Theater and extensive reno- Archaeological Resources Protection Act. Cousins Patrick <br /> vations to two adjacent buildings . Wayne Hunt and Patrick Eugene Hunt were each ordered to <br /> pay $70, 168 in restitution. Both pled guilty to damage <br /> $ ` r caused while digging in the forest since at least 1994. <br /> : .. - gg g <br /> Governor ' s Task Force Gets <br /> Archeologists have estimated the damage - which covers over <br /> Statewide Input P two acres - at $ 140 , 000 . <br /> Governor, Jim Hodges has pledged to make South Carolina <br /> the leading state in preserving historic , structures and sites . The case began in 1994, when Patrick Wayne Hunt appeared <br /> To help accomplish that goal , his special task force on his - at the office of BLM archeologist Isaac Bamer with a box of <br /> tonic preservation and heritage tourism canvassed the state to what he said were the bones of an ancient three-toed horse, <br /> find out what citizens needed to help promote preservation in Hunt was apparently eager to get credit for what he thought <br /> their own communities . was a great find, though officials were skeptical. The agency <br /> was also skeptical about the bones ' origin. Hunt claimed he <br /> More than four hundred people attended forums in eleven found them in a pit (Barner's wife Debra, an archeologist at <br /> communities . Participants were asked to consider what Umpqua, says that looters sometimes ask professionals to <br /> defining features in their communities and their state were verify an artifact's age) . Led to the site by Hunt, authorities <br /> worth preserving for the future. Forum audiences also dis- discovered it was a 6 ,000-year-old Native American camp , <br /> cussed the barriers that make historic preservation difficult, <br /> and what could be done in the public and private sectors to In 1998 , authorities put the site under surveillance when they <br /> remove those barriers . Note-takers at each meeting recorded discovered the damage was even more extensive. Debra <br /> the audience' s responses . That information is now being used Bamer and Kelly White, a Forest Service law enforcement <br /> by the task force to help it make recommendations to officer, encountered a man at the site carrying a rake and a <br /> Governor Hodges for preserving historic places and boosting three-pronged tool. He claimed to be hunting for rocks . The <br /> heritage tourism. man was Patrick Eugene Hunt. <br /> 14 <br />