HPC agenda 032801
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Historic Preservation Commission
HPC agenda 032801
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12/17/2019 8:56:26 AM
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12/17/2019 8:48:57 AM
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January/February 2001 16 <br /> historic integrity and character. Most of the non preservation- dards in place, good guidelines, good procedures , there are no <br /> ists (and some of the preservationists tool ) had a hard time dis- " investment-based expectations " that accrue to a developer by <br /> cerning the difference, even when presented with the ordi- the simple act of subdivision, <br /> nances that said so . <br /> Most of our districts are small lot districts , so the issue of sub- <br /> The conflicts were often political as well. The powers of our P dividing - and trying to . cram in more is not usually an <br /> & Z commission were sometimes ' used to push through pro- issue. . .they 're already all crammed in together. But I also have <br /> jects that the historic district commission otherwise found no doubt that under our code and enabling legislation, if we <br /> unacceptable, regardless ardless of any of the differences that I've had a large lot district, we would have no problem at all deny- <br /> described, t ing proposals that are too dense or too tall for the historic dis- <br /> trict character and making it stick. <br /> e <br /> Chris Hetzel <br /> chris@historicla. com But our jurisdiction tries to cooperate in these things , to pro- <br /> vide developers with clear notice of what the regulations are as <br /> soon as we are able . We as . a staff try to build personal rela- <br /> To add to Chris ' remarks , as well as Krista' s well- considered tionships and look out for each other, providing the best service <br /> advice to compare all this to the enabling legislation . . . . to the public we can, and not putting the public in the middle <br /> Most codes will have language that the more restrictive provi- of our competing interpretations of the code . We try to work it <br /> sions will govem when there is a conflict. In our attorney' s out among ourselves . Our code is also designed to reinforce the <br /> interpretation, that means the design review process is the more legislative intent that historic districts are a valuable asset to <br /> restrictive and thus governs . Furthermore, our zoning ordi- the city and tries to minimize the conflicts , where those con- <br /> nances include language for building setbacks (or zoning yard flicts exist, I have every confidence that the historic district <br /> areas) and heights that "the standards of the underlying zoning standards will prevail if we conduct our procedures according <br /> district are modified by [the historic overlay district design to good due process practices . But I have a city attorney that <br /> guidelines ] " . . . as do the sections of the code that establish station supports the program (and successfully defended it to the NC <br /> dards for sidewalks , curb cuts , streets , and curbs : All of which Supreme Court when it was first established) , I have a city <br /> means that the intent is clear that in the historic districts , the code that supports the programs I have state enabling legisla- <br /> whole idea is to ensure that new development conforms to the tion that supports the program; I have an administration that <br /> " special character of the historic district. " supports the program, I have a local governing board that sup - <br /> ports the program. None of these things are accidents . They are <br /> This subdivision problem is sheer idiocy of two agencies of the the product of a lot of dedicated people working together over <br /> same organization (the municipality) fighting over internal turf the years since the establishment of Raleigh' s program in 1961 . <br /> of who is in charge . What about serving the public. . .identifying <br /> the rationale of the legislative intent, and then structuring the From the descriptions of your problems , I am obviously a <br /> organization' s operations to reflect that and carry out the man- lucky man to be able to stand on the shoulders of these dedi- <br /> date ? Does the community want historic districts or not? Why cated people. But the lesson is that if there are conflicts in your <br /> are we struggling9 jurisdiction, they can be addressed, it just takes a lot of work <br /> on the part of a lot of people to take care of it. And if the juris - <br /> Small subdivisions in our jurisdiction are processed adminis- diction is engaged in internal fighting , then you need to have <br /> tratively (most subdivisions in historic districts will be small, the public that supports the program make the case to clear up <br /> although we did once have a 3 . 3 acre tract for a former florist's the conflict. The ultimate answer is always political when deal- <br /> greenhouse operation subdivided into 23 building lots . . .the 22 mg with local government programs ; sometimes the answer is <br /> new houses are great, blend right into the district) . While we do not the one we want to hear either (they might tell you " no, the <br /> not issue COAs for subdivisions (there is no physical exterior community really doesn't want historic districts , we want lots <br /> change in a subdivision) , subdivision staff does route them to of infill development to increase the tax base by the maximum <br /> the commission for the commission to review and comment on amount" ) , but at least you know where you stand. <br /> whether it believes that the subdivision will result in . "build- OK, lecture mode off. <br /> able" lots under the historic district development standards . <br /> That is to say, that they may be able to subdivide it, but there is Dan Becker <br /> no guarantee that the commission will issue a COA for new dbecker@,rhdc. org <br /> construction if it does not fit the character of the district. The <br /> power is in the guidelines ; if your guidelines address issues like <br /> proximity of buildings to one another, height of buildings in the <br /> district. . .if a proposal violates the guidelines , you can certainly <br /> deny it. The legal record is clear on this . if you have your stan- <br /> 9 <br />
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