HPC agenda 032801
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Historic Preservation Commission
HPC agenda 032801
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Last modified
12/17/2019 8:56:26 AM
Creation date
12/17/2019 8:48:57 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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TH <br /> E ALLIANCE REVIEW <br /> r <br /> W , T <br /> Y . AYf <br /> Information from the National Trust for Historic Preservation Forum listserv. <br /> Q •' lin with zoning munity, it will be easier. If you use an overlay district to enact <br /> Our local Historic District is strugg g' <br /> and subdivision issues . ` Currently our Planning and Zoning your Historic District regulations , you may be, able to amend <br /> Department does all subdivision review and approval - includ- the overlay to require appropriate lot sizes , but you should <br /> ing for the Historic District. The HDC has no say in the check your enabling legislation. <br /> process , but has threatened to deny building permits to any <br /> home that does not fit HD guidelines - including too many However, if you are investigating HDC input into the subdivi- <br /> houses too close together. They believe they are empowered by Sion process , you will need to check your state law to see how <br /> the State legislation and precedent. The County P&Z, on the it delegates powers with regard to subdivision review, I antici- <br /> attorney pate that it places the authority quite firmly with the Planning <br /> other hand, has solicited an opinion from the county <br /> which states that the HDC cannot deny an owner the ability to Commission and its staff. With regard to our subdivision <br /> build on a lot approved by P&Z during the subdivision process * review, if it meets the quantifiable standards for subdivision as <br /> Ile <br /> t from the cit- set forth in the local ordinances , the subdivision must be <br /> Our HDC is appointed by the elected governmen <br /> izenry and, as a whole, the commission has little or no planning approved. So, if you want to pursue the route of HDC input in <br /> ake the subdivision process , you will want to make sure that the <br /> experience or background and are not likely able to m <br /> sound subdivision decisions . P&Z, which oversees the HDC, HDC has standards on which to base their recommendation to <br /> this issue. We the Planning Commission or Administrator and that their rec- <br /> and the HDC are very very contentious about <br /> have many, many lots that can still be subdivided- so we are at ommendation is required in the ordinance. Then, the HDC <br /> the beginning of a stage that can significantly alter the charac- could be another sign-off in the process , such as the Fire <br /> Marshall or Traffic Engineer and their veto, based on Historic <br /> ter of the HD . <br /> District standards , could potentially deny the subdivision. <br /> Does anyone else have experience with subdivision process in <br /> local historic districts ? Is it done by the HDC or the local I hope this helps . <br /> Planning office? Does your HDC have any input? Does your <br /> subdivision regulations for the HDC differ at all from the sub- Krista M. Hampton <br /> division regs for the rest of your local jurisdiction? khampton@columbiasc. net <br /> Thanks . <br /> This sounds like a problem where there is a perceived (if not <br /> Mary Catherine Cochran real) overlap between the powers of the Historic District <br /> koontz@home. com Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission . I've run <br /> into this problem before, if that is indeed the case . In my situ- <br /> ation, I found that commission members and other city officials <br /> AN • confused the functions of the two groups . Everyone seems to <br /> Mary Catherine, <br /> Administrator have a basic understanding of zoning issues and what purpose <br /> Here in Columbia, SC, our Planning & Zoning subdivisions and does so with- they serve, but few understand how zoning is different from <br /> also has the authority to review <br /> out the input of the Design Review Commission. The standards design review and the regulations that are supposed to be <br /> are tied to the zoning classification (single or multi-family) , but enforced by a historic district commission. <br /> are the same citywide. State law is pretty specific here about <br /> who reviews subdivisions . The main problem that I encountered was whenever the two <br /> commissions had to pass judgement on the same issue (i . e . , <br /> The most comprehensive solution to the problem would be to building height,- setbacks , etc.) , but for different reasons . Going <br /> change the required lot size in the district to be more in line back to the ordinances and enabling legislation for each com- <br /> with the historic structures . Easier said than done, however, mission, we had to explain that the P & Z commission <br /> especially if some of the folks with the large lots are counting reviewed building heights , setbacks , etc . because they were <br /> on the cash someday to send Jr. to college. If you have some zoning issues (public health and quality of life issues) , while <br /> sort of established and adopted plan that enumerates how the historic district commission reviewed the same aspects of a <br /> restricting subdivisions will benefit the district and the comm proj ct because they posed a potential impact to the district' s <br /> e <br /> 8 <br />
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