January/February 2001
<br /> data can be as much of a problem as not having enough. Each chapter or element featured in the plan should provide the
<br /> Clearly defining in advance the scope of the planning process reader with an explanation of its purpose, as well as an
<br /> should help minimize the potential for information overload, overview of the specific planning assumptions and goals and
<br /> objectives contained in the element.
<br /> Step Four : Identify Problems, Issues, and Concerns
<br /> (PICs). The various plan elements or chapters , once drafted, should
<br /> The planning commission, in partnership with the local plan- next, be used to formulate a series of possible land use futures
<br /> ring staff, will need to sift through the data accumulated with for the locality. Each possible future would be a function of
<br /> the goal of identifying the significant problems (and opportu- planning assumptions tied to the plan's vision statement, spe-
<br /> nities) , issues , and concerns facing the community, This step cific community goals and objectives , as well as different
<br /> is crucial because the resulting PICs will function as the foun. growth scenarios . The generation and evaluation of selected
<br /> dation for the comprehensive plan. plan options present the planning commission with one more
<br /> opportunity to involve the public.
<br /> Determining what PICs to include in the comprehensive plan
<br /> will require decision making on the part of the planning com- Step Eight : Select and Develop a Preferred Plan.
<br /> mission. It is during this step that many commissions engage Once the various plan options have been reviewed and studied,
<br /> the public through community meetings , surveys , focus the planning commission will need to select a preferred option
<br /> groups , or advisory committees . Securing the public' s per. or approach. The final draft plan can then be prepared and for-
<br /> spective regarding the range of problems , opportunities , and mally received and considered for adoption by the planning
<br /> issues facing the community is critical not just to developing a commission,
<br /> sound plan, but to building a constituency that can help ensure .
<br /> the plan's ultimate adoption and implementation. Step Nine : Adopt the Plan, Set an Implementation
<br /> Schedule.
<br /> Step Five : Develop a " Vision " for the Plan. Depending on your state code requirements one or more pub -
<br /> Once community problems and. opportunities have been iden- lic hearings will likely be required before the draft plan can be
<br /> tified, many planning commissions prepare a " vision state- adopted. Once adopted by the commission, the plan is for-
<br /> ment, " capturing in words what the community intends or warded to the governing body for consideration and final adop-
<br /> wishes to become at some point in the future. The vision state- tion.
<br /> ment will give direction to the development of plan goals and
<br /> objectives , the next step in the process . Preparation of a vision The plan development process should be considered incom-
<br /> statement also offers another opportunity for involving the plete if a plan implementation strategy and schedule is not
<br /> public. In some communities " visioning " or "futuring " forums included in the document. This is critical, since a plan will
<br /> have produced exciting results . make a difference only if it is implemented.
<br /> Step Six : Develop Plan Goals and Objectives. Step Ten : Monitor for Results and Impact.
<br /> Once the plan's vision statement is completed, the next step is Once a plan is adopted, the real work begins . Implementation
<br /> to establish specific plan goals and objectives . If the locality is requires commitment. It also implies accountability,
<br /> fairly homogenous and there is general agreement and support Increasingly, plans are being written with the goal of fostering
<br /> for the vision statement, the selection of goals and objectives change . In order to do so , plans must be written in a manner
<br /> can be accomplished within a reasonable time frame. . On the that allows a locality to measure the impact the plan is having
<br /> other hand, if the vision statement took time and effort to reach in the life of a community,
<br /> consensus on, it is likely that developing goals and objectives
<br /> Will require even greater diligence. Plans also need to be regularly updated. In some states, state
<br /> law prescribes this review. In Virginia, for example, a locality
<br /> Step Seven : Generate and Evaluate Plan Options, must review its comprehensive plan at least every five years .
<br /> Finally, it time to start drafting the plan ! One common However, even without such a requirement, it makes sense to
<br /> approach involves the development of a draft plan featuring a periodically review your plan,
<br /> series of chapters or elements focusing on selected topics . For
<br /> example, the draft plan might include chapters on the commu- Michael Chandler is Professor and Community Planning
<br /> nity's natural environment, transportation system, community Extension Specialist at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia,
<br /> facilities , as well as residential, commercial, and industrial Chandler also conducts planning commissioner training Aro-
<br /> uses . An alternative approach is to organize the plan around grams across the country, and is a frequent speaker at work-
<br /> broad themes such as balanced growth, the preservation of shops. He is currently a member of the Blacksburg Town
<br /> rural character, enhanced economic vitality, and so on. Council and the American Planning Association 's Board of
<br /> Directors.
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