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04 Page 4 of 5 <br /> d . Scenic/Heritage Corridor Program <br /> Moon gave an overview - of " Scenic/Heritage Corridors - A Proposal To Retain Orange County ' s Rural <br /> Character and Scenic Vistas " and distributed a draft summary document . This most recent proposal picks <br /> up were early work by planning staff and the Transportation Advisory Subcommittee (mid 1980s to early . <br /> 1990s) left off. The new scenic road plan includes a formal implementation program and a strategy to <br /> shift some of the financial burden of maintaining scenic resources onto all county residents rather than <br /> just individual property owners . <br /> Key components in the new proposal might be : <br /> • The creation of a two-part viewshed along road corridors : a standard undisturbed buffer and a <br /> series of specific vista areas- suitable for scenic/conservation easement. Mapped at time of <br /> designation . Meet with community for feedback . <br /> • Road improvement based on maintenance : limited turn lane construction and widening <br /> campaigns , and conservative speed limits . Work with Planning and DOT to ensure that we would <br /> not suggest a scenic road designation for a road that had been approved for commuter traffic or <br /> major transportation corridor. <br /> • Cultural & Natural resource protection : encourage national register and local landmark property <br /> and historic district designation . Significant architectural or historic structures may be included in <br /> specific vista easements . <br /> • Property owner rights : land would retain the same potential lot yield after designation as before . <br /> Subdivision plans would show the undisturbed portion of the visual buffer and vista easement <br /> areas as appropriate . <br /> Moon continued the summary noting that, as presently proposed, anyone could nominate a road but <br /> formal designation could not occur against the wishes of the local residents living along the corridor . <br /> Roads considered suitable candidates would be put on a priority list and mapped for countywide <br /> comprehensive planning purposes . <br /> Stancil added that one of the driving forces for scenic corridor program is St. Mary ' s Road . The corridor <br /> has significant heritage but local residents have concerns over potential regulations . There may be other <br /> roadways in the county with similar situations and appeal . We looked at the Rural Character Study <br /> Committee and the Transportation Advisory Subcommittee findings to begin to fold in ideas that might <br /> accomplish some of interest in preserving corridors without compromising the interest of property <br /> owners . This summary is presented for HPC review and possible recommendation to the BOCC . as a way <br /> of addressing St . Mary ' s Road or other roads . Public outreach will be important component of this <br /> project . Golan noted that it is important to get one scenic corridor designated to show people that it <br /> works . <br /> e. St. Mary ' s Road Preservation Corridor <br /> Staff to bring a copy of the full draft for the Scenic/Heritage Corridor Program for January meeting to <br /> continue discussion on this topic and its possible use for the St . Mary ' s Road Preservation Planning <br /> Corridor . <br /> f. Historic Preservation implementation of SOCF recommendations <br /> Stancil noted that the HPC needs to provide feedback on the historic and cultural preservation component <br /> to the SOCF Report to the BOCC prior to the assembly of governments meeting in March 2001 . This <br /> will need to be accomplished at the January meeting because the February HPC meeting is too close to <br /> the deadline . The HPC was asked to look at the report and be prepared to discuss at next meeting . <br /> Draft 12/ 13/00 HPC Minutes Last updated 01/17/01 Page 4 of 5 <br />