HPC agenda 022801
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Historic Preservation Commission
HPC agenda 022801
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Last modified
12/17/2019 8:48:38 AM
Creation date
12/17/2019 8:42:18 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Page 3 of 5 03 <br /> b . Protecting Grayfields (Tom Magnuson) <br /> Magnuson introduced himself as a representative the Trading Path Preservation Association and said that <br /> the goal of that organization is to identify and preserve as many of the remnants of the original road <br /> network as possible . Magnuson reported that Grayfields was the site for the first court held in Orange <br /> County and speculated where the estate was located, about 200 yards northwest of Moorefields and the <br /> county- owned property by Seven Mile Creek, on land owned by Ben Lloyd . The Moore family bought <br /> the property from the Gray family and incorporated it into their larger estate . Magnuson delineated the <br /> approximate location of the trading path from Salisbury to Virginia including Lebanon Road, Faucette <br /> Mill Ford, Maddux Mill, across Duke Forest Land, Seven Mile Creek and onto Moorefields . Magnuson <br /> asked for consideration from HPC to include the proposed "Grayfields " property, approximately 40 acres, <br /> on any prioritized list of properties to be purchased as it is historically important and adjoins county <br /> owned land . <br /> Moon asked if Stancil this could be included in this year' s recommended acquisitions for the Lands <br /> Legacy Program . Stancil noted a kinship of this objective already in place in the LLP Cultural & <br /> Archeological component : develop a plan and identify acquisition priorities for proposed heritage <br /> corridors in central Orange County, and a multi-year objective of protecting colonial and pre- colonial <br /> historic sites and roadway corridors such as St . Mary ' s Road, the Indian Trading Path, the John Lawson <br /> Trail, Historic Grayfields, prominent revolutionary war battlefields and other areas . Another multi-year <br /> project is the creation of Seven Mile Creek Nature Preserve listed on the objectives in the Natural Areas <br /> & Habitat Annual Action Plan . Jacobs noted that the 250 anniversary of the County of Orange is coming <br /> up . (The first court took place at Grayfields on Sept 9 , 1752 . ) It is a good opportunity for the HPC to <br /> highlight a part of community history . Magnuson added that at the first court meeting held the judges <br /> directed that a courthouse be erected 2 miles from Haw River . Magnuson reported that along with Carol <br /> Troxlor from Elon College they located the proposed site of that first courthouse and that bits of the Great <br /> Central Coast Road, which became Hwy 10 and other important roads, are gradually being disclosed . <br /> c . Identification Signs for Individual Sites and Historic Districts <br /> Moon presented an example of an identification sign as previously requested by the HPC ; a standard <br /> wood sign, painted white, with the county seal and a space for the name of the site to be written in black <br /> letters . The HPC discussed the costs, funding, size, maintenance responsibility, vandalize proofing and <br /> actual signage verbiage, who would install , district entrance signs, encouraging individual homeowners in <br /> districts to purchase their own sign, etc . Moon suggested that the county provide one sign, when the sign <br /> needed to be replaced the owner would be responsible for replacing it with an identical sign, or having the <br /> county pay for a portion of the sign . Stancil noted that the county public works department installs the <br /> Voluntary Agriculture District signs and works with individual property owner regarding the specific <br /> location . The HPC requested for staff to include sign cost and installation in next year ' s budget. Staff to <br /> follow-up on making the signs vandal proof. <br /> MOTION : Allison motioned signage be provided for the Local Landmarks with signage similar to <br /> proposed signs wood, painted white with county seal and name of the site painted in black <br /> letters and that designated NR and Local Historic Districts have one large entrance sign . <br /> Seconded by Connor . <br /> VOTE : Five yeas . One abstained . <br /> The issue of the Cedar Grove Post Office was mentioned . Staff to research and report at the January <br /> meeting . <br /> Draft 12/ 13/00 HPC Minutes Last updated 01/ 17/01 Page 3 of 5 <br />
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