Orange County NC Website
0 02 <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> AGENDA ITEM #5 : ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br /> a. Traffic Impact on Local Landmark (Rigsbee Rock House) <br /> Mr . Singleton reported that since May 2000 heavy truck traffic has increased on Lawrence Road . Truck <br /> traffic is not allowed to go through downtown Hillsborough, so truckers have begun to use Lawrence <br /> Road as an alternative route . Vibrations from the truck traffic have caused damage to the property <br /> particularly to the rock wall . The site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and 'is one of <br /> the four local landmarks in Orange County , <br /> Mr . Singleton referenced the 1992 Truck Route Feasibility Study prepared by NCDOT to evaluate the <br /> condition of existing local roads around the Town of Hillsborough . The purpose of the report was to <br /> determine a preferred truck route to eliminate heavy truck traffic through downtown Hillsborough, <br /> particularly on Churton Street . The Study listed 13 historic structures including Rigsbee Rock House, <br /> which might be damaged by heavy traffic . Mr . Singleton said that the location of the by-pass north of <br /> Hillsborough was built based on the results of the 1992 study regarding the protection of historic <br /> structures listed in the study . Mr . Singleton noted that his property was actually closer to the roadway <br /> that the downtown buildings and said that he wanted to same protection for the Rigsbee Rock House as <br /> the other structures on the DOT study had received . <br /> Mr . Singleton cited several concerns including : speeding trucks sliding into the stop sign, physical <br /> damage to the road, 80% of which recently needed to be repaired, 5 : 00 a .m . loud truck traffic with up to <br /> six trucks per ten minutes, and DOT signage that encourages traffic to use Lawerence Road . Singleton <br /> quoted the 1992 DOT report saying : "the main problem with Lawrence Road is the cost of upgrading, if a <br /> truck route is to be implemented then all roads on the route must meet DOT standards . The total cost of <br /> construction for this road is $ 8 , 580 , 000 , 00 , a cost that is far greater than any other alternative . Presently <br /> Lawrence Road is a two lane, twenty foot wide facility with a very weak base made of topsoil . " <br /> Sufficient evidence that the truck vibrations are causing damage to the Rock House is evident and <br /> Singleton invited anyone to view the site . Singleton noted that the nearest that any historic buildings are <br /> to Churton Street is approximately 150 feet and that the Rock House site is seven feet two inches from <br /> Lawrence Road . Singleton is recommending the speed limit be reduced to 25 miles an hour consistent <br /> with residential areas and that loaded trucks be prohibited from using the road because of damage to a <br /> historic landmark and the road . Singleton reported on his correspondence with the Secretary of <br /> Transportation, Mr . McCoy . Singleton asked for HPC support for equal protection of the Rock House <br /> historic site as the historic properties on Churton Street received . <br /> The HPC discussed similar issues involving DOT with other historic sites, different options including <br /> asking the State Historic Preservation Office ( SHPO) to support the cause, the by-pass issues , the <br /> enforcement of restricting truck traffic, particularly overloaded trucks . Flowers volunteered to assist with <br /> drafting a letter to Department of Transportation . <br /> MOTION : Anderson motioned for a letter of support of the equal protection of preservation for the <br /> Riggsbee Rock House Historic Property to be sent to NCDOT, SHPO, BOCC . Seconded <br /> by Golan . <br /> VOTE : Unanimous , <br /> Draft 12/ 13/00 HPC Minutes Last updated 01/17/01 Page 2 of 5 <br />