Orange County NC Website
Lands Legacy Interim Action Plan Adopted 513100 <br /> Lands Legacy — Interim Action Plan <br /> For the period May 3, 2000 -- June 30, 2001 <br /> Introduction <br /> The Lands Legacy program , adopted on April 4, 2000 , is activated through an Annual <br /> Action Plan process . In future years , this process will begin in August of each year with <br /> a staff- generated draft which will be reviewed initially by the Board of Commissioners <br /> and then sent to relevant advisory boards for further development of priorities for the <br /> coming fiscal year . The revised draft would be distributed to the Board of <br /> , Commissioners at the December goal -setting retreat, and finalized during the <br /> budget/CIP process in the spring of each year . <br /> For the initial year of the program , the Board has authorized an Interim Action Plan to <br /> be created to guide Lands Legacy resource land purchases from the present through the <br /> fiscal year . 2000 - 2001 (which begins on July 1 ) . <br /> The Interim Action Plan that follows is consistent with the template adopted as part of <br /> the Lands Legacy program , and contains goals for the period May 2000 -June 2001 , <br /> more specific objectives and a priority table with timetable and purpose . The document <br /> closes with a performance report for the previous year (which is incomplete in this case , <br /> since the program was just adopted ) . <br /> Goals for May 2000 - June 2001 - <br /> ( Note : the following goals implicitly include continuing to aggressively <br /> pursue grant funding for many of the County's proposed projects . ) <br /> 1 . Purchase parklands ( regional , district and community- level ) <br /> strategically throughout the County, for both active and low - <br /> impact . recreation , to land - bank for future parks that can provide <br /> leisure opportunities for all citizens ( and potentially be co - located <br /> with future schools ) . <br /> 2 . Partner with the towns and other entities such as OWASA in <br /> acquiring future park sites , where possible . <br /> I Work with a willing seller ( and a partner entity, if possible) to <br /> purchase a " pilot" farmland conservation easement in <br /> conjunction with the N . C . Farmland Preservation Trust Fund. <br /> 4 . Finalize park management and facility development/ use plans via <br /> an inter- local agreement with Durham County for the Little River <br /> Regional Park and Natural Area . <br /> 5 . Protect sensitive natural areas in the Seven - Mile Creek <br /> bottomlands and along New Hope Creek . <br />