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by a need to find a solution concerns or issues of impor- the National Register?What <br /> that all involved agencies tance to that agency. <br /> could live with, the NJDOT Finally, each agency types of projects will have no <br /> or little effect on these eligible <br /> proposed that the three parties agreed to put the identifica- roadways so that they can be ° • . . <br /> carry out a historic roadway tion of historic roadways in <br /> a in an expedient <br /> study that would meet the New Jersey on"hold"and not advanced <br /> manner by mutual agreement <br /> goals of each agency.The pur- to raise the issue on a project- among all three agencies?The <br /> pose of the study would be to by-project basis until the study was broken down into �'►~`` • <br /> identifyroadways of state- statewide study was complete. s z ' <br /> roawa Y four phases: <br /> wide l <br /> significance;to establish This would allow all three <br /> g � • Phase I is intended . . ... : '�. ' - ... .. ;�:-��r�.. ` .::-�:..•SAY ..u�i�'-: <br /> thresholds of integrity for agencies the opportunity to <br /> g tY to identify and establish the <br /> significant roads; to develop advance the roadwaystudy <br /> d Y significance of historic road- <br /> without the pressure to address W. <br /> design treatment guidelines p ways in New Jersey and their :.Y., . '"�' - <br /> for eligible roadways; and to the issue for projects advanc- .ts; r' <br /> p i associated resources and estab- X' . <br /> ing through the project Bevel- <br /> establish programmatic agree- lish the factors of integrity ' <br /> ments on how these roadways opment process. needed for the roadway and its <br /> will be maintained and This"partnering'approach <br /> associated resources to becon- <br /> improved in the future. required each agency to sidered eligible for the Nation, <br /> At the heart of the study accept the goals and mission al Register of Historic Places. into consideration the design ; syr, _ <br /> was a desire to break the circu- of others at the table, even • In Phase II, design guidelines developed as part of �; Zunilsca"'d 5p rkwayssuch <br /> when those goals or missions recommendations and g this stud programmatic r rthe'aCuadesInterstate <br /> lar communication process guide- Y� <br /> and step e e outside the "process were conflicting. It required lines for roadway projects will agreements will be developed Parkwaymadetravellingby <br /> track" inherent in the tradi- willingness to compromise be developed,consistent with that define what constitutes cdrt�:ettjoyableexperience. <br /> in order to reach the mutual findings of"No Affect," "No * t` <br /> tional Section 106 consulta- the roadway's significance, g i.',Photocou'_ o the'Neiu <br /> tion process.Rather than one goals established by the designed features, or historic Adverse Affect' (with or <- 'State.Flzstoric <br /> agency offering an opinion group and a commitment to theme so as to avoid, mini- without recommended treat- r; = <br /> .Pieservatzor U ce.... <br /> g Y g p work through issues and mize, or mitigate adverse ments),and"Adverse Effect." <br /> that the other must comment disagreements. g <br /> on,this stud would be carried effects to the historic resource. As of May 2000, Phase I <br /> Y In Phase III, a field of the study is approximately taught us several valuable <br /> out by staff from the FHWA, lessons. What should preser- <br /> the NJDOT, and the SHPO The Four Phase Approach review of a select number of 60 percent complete.A list of vationists in other states do <br /> offices. The agencies would The New Jersey Historic significant roadways will be roadways with statewide to identify and protect their <br /> evaluate the results of the Roadway Study was designed conducted to determine their significance has been devel- historic roadways? <br /> study and reach agreement on to address four basic questions. eligibility so as to verify that oped and statements of signif- The first step is to identi- <br /> the identification of signifi- What roadways are signifi- the study approach has been icance for each is in progress. fy why historic roadways are an <br /> cant resources. cant? What other resources successful, the criteria devel- Completion of the entire issue for your community or <br /> The goals of the study, would you expect to find asso- oped realistic and resulting study is anticipated by the state.Perhaps you are respond- <br /> furthermore, would be struc- ciated with a particular signif- recommendations valid. spring of 2001. ing to a specific threat, such <br /> • Finally,in Phase IV, as development or a road- <br /> would such that each agency icant roadway.7 What type of P <br /> would have a vested interest design guidelines should you based on the historic signifi-cance of the roadway, the Lessons Learned widening project, or you are <br /> in seeing the study advance follow for transportation proj- trying to protect the character <br /> since the study would address ects on roadways eligible for scope of the roadway project Our refforts to protect historic of your neighborhood. You <br /> being proposed and taking roads in New Jersey have <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F O•RU•MJ O U•RN A L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SUMMER 2 0 0 0 <br />