are generated by safety'responses of the motoring public cannot full advantage of flexibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . understand this diverse
<br /> to liability concerns, other be accomplished in alternative within the Green Book or resource group and, most
<br /> destructive actions occurring manners, the Green Book's seeks exceptions when Only with a Clear and importantly,to direct effective
<br /> on and along our historic roads use and interpretation by addressing the management of policy and management
<br /> have come from the inconsis- many in the transportation the historic Columbia River reasonable expectation challenges to threatened
<br /> tent,irregular,or inappropriate profession has become some- Highway. of the uses of roadways historic roads, the National
<br /> application of the current rec- what of a nemesis to the Thoughtful attention to Trust identified the three prin-
<br /> ommended standards. preservation community. historic road needs, such as can the aesthetic cipal types of historic roads:
<br /> The origin of most state What must be remem- occurs in Vermont or Oregon, Concerns for the historic aesthetic,engineered,and cul-
<br /> and local highway standards bered is that the Green Book however, is not the norm. tural. Recognition of these
<br /> can be found in the recom- recommends guidelines to the Frequently, and understand- resources be ef ctive y types allows for appropriate
<br /> mended guidelines and poli- states and local governments ably, lacking the resources to studied and managed. preservation and engineering
<br /> cies for highway design in the for the design of roadways.No sensitively manage historic solutions. A road with an
<br /> Green Book, a publication of state or local jurisdiction is roads, many local and state associated designed landscape
<br /> AASHTO—the American required to adopt these guide- highway departments apply (aesthetic) presents different
<br /> Association of State Highway lines. However, almost every current standards and expecta- ultimate goal of all concerned challenges than, say, the New
<br /> and Transportation Officials. state and the majority of local tions to roads designed in the with historic roads, it seems Jersey Turnpike(engineered).
<br /> Its purpose is to recommend governments have adopted past. Because of the lack of reckless to continue depend- Aesthetic routes repre-
<br /> safe practices for the planning, the AASHTO guidelines in policies and design standards ing on limited review and sent historic roads for which
<br /> design, and construction of full or in part. tailored to historic roads, and interpretation of the Green the primary rationale for
<br /> roadways. The Green Book In addition to state and the heightened awareness of Book without investigating development was the design
<br /> establishes a range of accept- local use,the Federal Highway safety and liability issues in the flexibilities that are avail- and provision of a specific vis-
<br /> able values for highway design. Administration(FHWA)has recent years, management able. Only with a clear and itor experience. Aesthetic
<br /> For example,the recommend- adopted the Green Book as agencies often apply the reasonable expectation of the routes such as parkways and
<br /> ed width of a country lane is policy for all federal roads and toughest standards to avoid uses of these roadways can Park roads have, historically,
<br /> between 5.4 and 7.2 meters construction projects in the the possibility of a citation of aesthetic concerns for historic been intensively designed and
<br /> (roughly 18 to 24 feet). For National Highway System contributory negligence in the resources be effectively studied developed for the purpose of
<br /> historic road preservationists, (NHS). For projects off the event of an accident. In many and managed. leisure, recreation, and com- "
<br /> the Green Book is most often NHS, the AASHTO Green instances,historic roads,because memoration. They have a
<br /> encountered during the recon- Book does not need to be of the lack of clarity about documented origin and con-
<br /> struction or rehabilitation of a followed.In fact,the Vermont their position in the trans- Historic Roads Defined struction date.Never intended
<br /> historic road. Agency of Transportation has portation world,• have been Obviously the preservation of as the fastest or quickest route,
<br /> Unfortunately, in recent developed its own guidelines held by the courts to the high- resources as diverse as the such roads typically follow the
<br /> years many state and local which recognize the value of est standards.As a result,sec- Pasadena Freeway (originally natural topography of the
<br /> governments, courts, and historic roads and bridges as a tions of historic roads that may constructed as and now region; and are most often
<br /> members of the transportation matter of policy. have the characteristics of a renamed the Arroyo Seco associated with a designed
<br /> community have held the Exceptions to the Green low-volume rural road, are, in Parkway) and the Rockefeller landscape or park space. In
<br /> AASHTO Green Book as an Book guidelines can be sought instances,being held account- Carriage Roads at Acadia urban areas, park boulevards
<br /> inflexible and rigid document. for road projects exhibiting able to arterial, or even free- National Park would necessi- and monumental avenues
<br /> Perpetuating a myth that special characteristics or way,design standards. tate a.framework for proper exhibit an equally high level
<br /> there is no flexibility in the needs. The Oregon Depart- With the provision of a education and a vocabulary of detail and composition.
<br /> publication and that the safety ment of Transportation takes safe driving environment the for dialogue.In order to better Examples include the Bronx
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